Chapter 1: "Only The Beginning"

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Malaysia (POV)

I entered my cold lonely house kicking my shoes off before heading to my room which was not very far away. Before anyone says it ...Yes I live alone I have since I was 15 years old when my grandmother died she was the only one i had left after my mom chose drugs over me. I live in the house my grandmother owned which was very small but it worked for me. I barely had to pay for anything except food, lights and clothes Which was ok considering I had a job at McDonalds and I got paid fairly well. Yes I do attend school . I usually get out earlier than everyone else because I take all honors classes. But anyway back to the story ..... I started to feel as if I was being watched as I headed to my room I have been feeling that feeling all day but I tried shaking it off. As I entered my room I cut on the lights and saw a black shadow quickly move from my closet to the bathroom. I became overwhelmed with fear as I turned to run only to be knocked down by a figure standing behind me. Next thing I knew I was being dragged by my hair towards my front door. I started to kick and screamed only to be punched by one of the people. I soon blacked out. *************

Pappy (POV)

" I want that bitch here by midnight ya hear me!? If I don't get ha someone is gonna pay" I yelled to my main two workers as they nodded their heads. I soon dismissed the meeting. I know ya'll probably like why I want ole girl? Well to make a long story short her mama owe me a couple thousand and Im getting my money one way or another. And since her momma skipped town on a nigga I guess her daughter gone have to pay her debt.

(Malaysia in MM)

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