Part 5- A Step Up or a Step Down?

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     I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks as Patty and Kenya whistled and made ooh sounds. I hadn't expected that quite yet; I knew this question would come soon, I just didn't know when it would come up.

"I-I... u-um..." I stuttered, "I-I erm... I-"

Kyle interupted me mid-answer by hugging me from behind, wrapping his arms around my neck, and placing his head next to mine, and whined in my ear "Heidy, why have you been ignoring me lately? I miss you!"

"Aiiiish, seriously? You're like a kid," I said, wrinkling my nose at him.

"Aww, don't be like that. Now, seriously, why aren't you talking to me?" He asked pouting out his bottom lip.

I hadn't completely forgiven him for what he did to Jules and Andy, but I thank him a little for doing it. I felt like a tart, and that I was taking advantage of the situation.

"Because, Kyle, you're like a little kid and they have always given me the creeps. Now, will you let go?" I grumbled trying to pry his arms from around my neck.

"Nope," he said smiling and hugging me tighter.

Andy cleared his throat, "do you mind?"

"No, do you mind? I'm having a moment with Heidy here," Kyle snapped.

I elbowed Kyle in the abdomen, "seriously, I know you two have problems, but holy llamas, stop it. I hate it when you two argue. You're like a married couple!"

"We are not! I hate this friggin' kid! He ruined my relationship with Jules! I love her!" Andy yelled.

I winced and turned my head toward Patty and mouthed "get me out of here."

Patty poked both sides of Kyle, and he jumped, letting me go and I escaped from the cafeteria. Patty, Kenya and Shaun followed behind me, trying to get me to stop. I didn't care, my heart felt like someone had just stabbed it and stepped on it multiple times. 

"Heidy, stop running, you'll get yelled at!" Patty warned.

I stopped and noticed that we were over by the library, I sat down on the staircase and burried my face in my hands.

Shaun sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders,"It's only been a month, Liz. He really did love her, what did you expect?"

"He told me he liked me even when they were dating," I said through my hands.

"Hm, I need to have a talk with this kid," he said rubbing my arms.

I brought my hands down from my face and looked up at Patty and Kenya, Patty cracked her knuckles and grinned, "I never promised I wouldn't punch the kid."

I laughed as Kenya grinned and pushed Patty forward and they started toward the cafeteria. 

"They're gonna hurt that boy," I said watching them run off.

"Yep, better go after them before they do some real damage," Shaun said helping me up, "Don't worry, he'll be over her soon. Just watch!"

I smiled a bit and we ran to the cafeteria. We met Andy, Patty, Kenya and Kyle outside of the lunchroom. Patty had hold of Andy's shirt, her face close to his and her right hand in a fist at her side. Kyle stood there grinning like a fool at the scene, then noticed I had arrived and ran over to me.

"Let's go," he grabbed my hand and tried to steal me away.

"No, I don't want him to get hurt, and I don't want Patty to get suspended!" I tore away from him.

"Heidy, come on, let this guy go! Obviously he doesn't want you, he just wanted someone to help himself get over Jules and you were a great choice to choose." Kyle said gripping my wrist.

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