Part 1: The Beginning

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It was another day at Denbigh High, same as every other day: boring with just a dash of crazy. I walked into the cafeteria at lunch, the best time of day. All of my friends had 3rd lunch on even days which just made it that much better.

"Heidy!" I heard my friend Kenya yell, "Kid, come hug me now!"

I smiled and ran toward her, "Kenny!"

We laughed and headed back toward the table, but before I sat down I noticed our friend Andy was at the cafe' table, head down and had a very depressed aura around him. I walked over to him to investigate his unusual mood.

"Hey, you alright" I asked cautiously.

He looked up at me for a moment, he had tears in his eyes, and he shook his head.

I sat down next to him, and put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him a little, "if you don't mind my asking, what happened, whose ass am I going to have to kick?"

He picked his head up a little to show I had made him smile, even if it was the weakest one I'd ever seen. I knew I wasn't going to get any answer out of this guy, so I took my hand away and sat next to him in silence.

"Jules broke it off with me," he got out.

I was taken aback for a second, I didn't know what to say, "oh, that seems pretty...terrible."

He nodded, and looked down at his clenched fists and slowly released them. He always did that whenever he was upset. I felt really bad, but before I could say something that could calm him even in the slightest Shaun came over and asked me for a moment alone with Andy.

I whispered in his ear, "tell me what happened please? I worry about him just as much as you do."

" I know, but right now I gotta talk to him. He's like a brother to me, I don't like seeing him like this," Shaun said.

I gave him a stern look, "and you think I do?"

"I know you don't, now I'll be at the table soon, go sit down," he said.

I rolled my eyes, "sure dad, I'll go sit down."

I walked over to the table and sat next to Patty and Kenya and talked to them, sneaking peeks at the two boys at the table not far from us. I wondered what she did, or what he did, to make them break up. The two were close friends of mine, they seemed really happy together. I suppose it was another facade that people tend to put up when they don't want others to know they are having problems.

After what seemed like forever, Shaun walked over and I eyed him. He walked behind me and whispered in my ear  what had happened. A "friend" of ours, Kyle, had spread another rumor that Andy had cheated on her, but everyone knew it was a lie. He had always loved Jules, always wanted her and would do anything to get her.

I was thoroughly upset with Jules because she actually believed Kyle without getting any evidence so I said loud enough for Andy to hear, "what a bitch, not even getting evidence first!"

I caught Andy out of the corner of my eye, he was staring at me with a look that I couldn't define, maybe it was shock, or maybe admiration. I soon found out what it was, it was the look of someone who'd just started to have feelings for a good friend. I smiled at him to show that everything was okay and he would be okay.

He came over to the table ten minutes later and sat across from me, I gave him a questioning look and mouthed, "are you going to be okay?"

He nodded while looking me in the eye, I smiled a little and he looked away quickly. I found it odd, he normally never looked away but he was under some unusual circumstances. As lunch went on he stayed silent, and every now and then I would catch him staring at me with a strange look, one my boyfriend had given me when we were together.

Right before lunch had ended, I stood up and announced our cosplay to the cafe, "Hello, my name is Liz, and I am a student of DWMA and you all at this table are family!"

I got a lot of "woohoo's" and "you know it's," and "Liz, I love you!'s"

I smiled and noticed everyone at the table had a grin on their face, including Andy. The bell rang and we all swiftly walked to English. I had one "problem," Andy was in my next class, and he sat right next to me. I hoped that he would be in a better mood, and that he would give a real smile.

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