Chapter Six

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Engagement Party

February 22, 2010, it was Ayen’s first day back at work. In the morning, she attended her classes. Before she left for the contest, she had given them tasks. Their outputs were submitted that day. In the afternoon, she had been busy attending numerous theses defenses. Her official time at the university was from 8 AM until 5 PM. 

The media people were not allowed inside the premises of the campus. A lot still had been following her. Simon was doing a great job protecting her. 

When Ayen got home, Chloe briefed her with the correspondence and the schedules. Jenna was back in Vienburg to shop for new clothes, shoes, bags and accessories that Mommy Rosemarie insisted Ayen to have. 

Chloe said, “We’ll have your manicure and pedicure by Friday night. Then afterwards we had to travel back to Garchitorena Haven. Jenna already hired a hair stylist and a make-up artist. But for now I will just orient you with all the relatives, friends and business colleagues that you would be meeting in the party. I have here their photos and brief profiles.” 

Simon came in with a big flower arrangement of yellow roses on his hands. He set it down at the center table in the living room and handed Ayen the card. 


I hope you had a great time back at work. I will be very busy this week. If only I could stay there at Angelo with you every day I would.

Stay strong. 

Lots of hugs and kisses,


Ayen blushed upon reading the card. She told Chloe, “It’s from Rob.” 

Chloe exclaimed, “He’s so sweet, Miss Ayen!”

Ayen agreed, “Yes.” She dialed his number for a video call. 

He answered, “Hi, honey.” 

Ayen said, “Thanks for the flowers. Yellow roses are my favorites.” 

“I know. I asked Mama Cristina about all your favorites. You’re home already?” 

“Yes, Chloe and I are just going about the profiles and photos of the people I would meet at our engagement party before dinner. Jenna is back in Vienburg to shop for me as your Mom instructed.” 

“Yeah, Mom told me about it. It will all be charged on my account. Jenna would also be bringing up some of my clothes there,” he told her. 

“Rob, I don’t need new clothes, new shoes, new bags or accessories,” she insisted. 

“I know, honey. You didn’t buy much last week even if Jenna and Chloe insisted. Mom had known about it so she had Jenna return to Vienburg to shop without you stopping her,” he informed her. “I told you that Mom can be very meddlesome.” 

She replied, “Yeah, so how’s work?” 

He said, “Edwin and I will be in Kebu tomorrow morning. We are now in the hotel working on some papers.” 

She reminded him, “Don’t forget your meals.” 

“I won’t, honey,” he said, “Oh, I miss you so much already." 

“I miss you too, Rob,” she confided. 

He felt elated about her missing him. “I cannot wait anymore to be with you again. Don’t worry much about Mom, honey. I already told her not to impose too much. So about the new stuff they will be set up in your room at Garchitorena Haven. Mom is still busy having my room renovated for us. We’ll stay there when we are already married.” 

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