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October 16, 2010. Karla gave birth to a daughter named Kyla Bernice. After a  few weeks, they attended her baptismal. 

December 25, 2010. Vee gave birth to a daughter  named Andi Veronique. Ayen stood as one of the ninangs

February 14, 2011. Ayen gave birth to a healthy son. They named him Robert James Garchitorena II. 

August 5, 2012. Sam and Charles had their second child named, Sabrina. Ayen stood as one of the ninangs

December 8, 2012. Ayen gave birth to twin daughters. They named them Kristina Marie and Kristelle Rose after their grandmothers. 

June 1, 2013. Ayen was four months pregnant. They just found out that they would have twin sons. They would be named. Allan James and Allen Jamie after their grandfathers.

Within those times, the MGA Foundation along with Rob and Ayen Garchitorena Charities had set up thirty-four more Angel's Home each one for every province. They had also given college scholarship grants to hundreds of poor students with great intelligence. They had hosted several fundraising sports cups, bloodletting campaigns, medical missions. They had also set up livelihood programs for battered women. They were now on the process of setting up homes for abandoned senior citizens all over the country. 

She was still hosting Fairy Godmother Ayen. 

In those sports cup done, Rob and Ayen emerged as the leading couples for the competition among the Garchitorena siblings. Rob and Ayen had beaten Rafael and Agnes in golf, Irene and Philip in bowling, Andrew and Vee in lawn tennis, and Charles and Sam in beach volleyball.  

Edwin Cabral and Chloe Dee got married too. They still worked as executive assistants of Rob and Ayen. 

Rico Marquez and Jenna Cabral got married too. 

Simon and Myrna got married too. 

It was through Ayen's matchmaking that these three couples ended up married. 


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