Tension Growing

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Adam was at the grave they made for Barney flowers were planted around him as Adam was staring at his now deceased friend. He stood there in silence the wind slowly picking up as the leaves floated in the air. There were no walkers at the moment everyone was inside prepping for the expedition for more supplies.

"Hey Barney... it's been 5 days since... yeah... I wanted to let you know that Jess and I doing well. In fact I'd say she's finally feeling better after the events... I can't say the same for me..." Adam muttered as he looked down at his hand, he started to tremble but squeezed his hand into a fist trying to calm himself. He growled as he threw his fist down and himself onto the ground he reached into his back pocket and took out a dagger. Tears were streaming from his eyes as he started to scream, he brought the blade to his hand and repeatedly stabbed the limb in a fit of rage. "BARNEY!!!!!!!" Rushing footsteps ran towards him as AK and Shark ran towards him.

"ADAM STOP!!!" Shark shouted as he hugged the male from behind AK got in front of him as he took the weapon from him tossing it to the side away from his reach.

"Adam! Pull yourself together, what would Barney do if he saw you in this state!" AK snapped at the male. "Barney was a freespirit and a happy fellow if he were to see you harming yourself he would be disgusted!" Adam felt the tears still streaming down his face as he looked away from AK. "Barney's death wasn't your fault, if there's anyone to blame it's Ross. If you want to kill anyone it should be him."

"AK..." Shark warned but felt Adam stop struggling as he laid limp and broken. Shark let him go as he fell forward his eyes open just barely. AK kneeled towards the male and wrapped his arm around AK's shoulder.

"let's get you inside..."

"... Adam..." Jess whispered to herself as she was looking out the window. A hand rested on her shoulder as she sighed to herself knowing who it was.

"Ghetto I'm not in the mood for your games..."

"I didn't know you think Ghetto and I are similar at all." Jess tensed as she looked up to see Nick instead. He was smiling at her gently, possibly hoping the smile would lighten the mood a bit. "You really care about him don't you?"

"He became one of two people I confided in the most after just 3 months of traveling with him. I know what I'm saying when I say I can relate to his grief in the loss of a good friend..." Jess stated her voice cracking when she spoke. Nick looked at her and then out towards where the three stood not too long ago.

"Jess, I'm going to be leaving soon with the others, keep an eye on Adam. He's mentally unstable so he could eventually do something drastic." Nick pleaded but Jess slapped his from her shoulder in a fit of rage.

"The man just shot his friend because of the bastard that is roaming Washington right now. If we just-"

"Jess!... I know your hurting too but you need to understand that Ross is dangerous he could easily manipulate anyone of us. So I beg of you to follow this simple request. Don't search for Ross without us. Please..." Nick asked gently as he lifted her chin lightly making her look at him in the eyes she sighed quietly as she nodded her head in confirmation. "I swear when we come back and fortify the White house better we'll find the son of a bitch and we'll make him give us a cure. Remember we have doctor Jin, the doctor can identify whether the cure is real or not. And when it's confirmed this hell will finally be over. You can even finally be with Adam." Jess looked up at Nick as her face flushed red in an instant.

"Wh-wha!! How do you, when did you...?" Nick smiled at Jess with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Jess I saw the way you look at him and the way you worry for his well being these past few days. You have to be blind to not see it." Jess turned her head from Nick in embarrassment. She hadn't thought she was a sticking out like a sore thumb with her feelings. Could Adam know? Is his indifference to her telling her he's not interested? Or is it the grief that is preventing him from seeing her infatuation?

"... Do you think he knows?..."

"He's mourning his friends death Jess, I'm pretty sure he's too distracted to notice." Nick commented as they looked at the grave that is sitting outside the white house. Jess felt her heart clench at the flowers laying on the ground as she gave a sigh. How could she think about herself when her friend was in pain, how selfish... "Well I have to head out with the guys please watch over Adam. Your the only one that is keeping him level headed." Nick walked away from Jess as she stood there and watched the brunette walk away. She walked out of the room felling exhausted, and froze when she saw the depressed male walking towards her.

"Adam..." Said male looked up at the girl as she clasped her hand over her mouth, his eye was red and tear stained, his posture was no longer straight and confident but slouched and broken. It's like in the span of those five days destroyed the man she has come to adore and it's breaking her heart. She quickly hugged Adam as he returned the hug tears he was trying desperately to hold back falling once more as they lowered to the ground. Jess rubbed his back in a soothing motion as her shirt became damp from the tears flowing from the man. They stayed there until Adam had finally stopped as they stood up.

"I'm sorry Jess that you have to see me in such a state... I must be weighing the others down with my negative vibes." Jess gripped Adam's cheeks as she looked at the man straight in the eyes.

"Adam, your just displaying emotion. We're all human and sentient that shows we still have humanity in our soul. Your not a burden and you never will be, your in a state where your mourning your best friend and I am too. I just can't display it as  profoundly as you, because I didn't know Barney as much as you have... Just remember that Barney isn't the only one that loved you. Please?" Adam felt his heart skip a beat but thought she meant it in a familial sense rather then romantic. He gave a bitter smile as he reached his hands towards Jess's as he lowered them and intertwined their fingers.

"Thank you Jess for your words. But it doesn't help with the wound Ross left in my soul..." Adam let go of Jess's hands and walked away. Jess felt the hands release as she watch Adam walk away from her. She felt herself tearing up as tears fell down her cheek and fell to the ground once more as she silently sobbed to herself. Adam was no longer Adam. He was a nothing more then a shell that lost hope.

"Adam... please come back..."

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