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Chapter 9

Jemma's P.O.V

  We walked into town and the sun had started its rise. I can't believe I hadn't ate dinner, my stomach scolded me with a growl.
  "I'm hungry." I whined to Austin as we walked down the street.
  "Me too." He laughed opening the door to a breakfast restaurant. We both walked in and the waitress sat us at a two person table looking across at each other. I looked behind Austin and my jaw dropped.
  He immediately turned around to my stare and a blonde girl starred at Austin and I. Hana. I frowned hoping I could go into town once without seeing my obnoxious sister.
  "Austin!" Hana called louder than I expected and louder than she probably intended. She stood up from her booth with a bunch of girls and squealed as she made a scene running across the restaurant.
  "I had the worst night last night." She whined and I covered my face with the menu.
  "I went into the woods to find you because you didn't answer my calls. I was caught by monsters who turned into boys and started kissing me." She looked at him her eyes flashed their usual blue.
  "It was awful." She stated and with that Austin stood up.
  "I know." I said soothingly. "Jemma was taken away from me to them where she was strapped to a tree and a boy sat next to her." Austin looked at me.

Austin's P.O.V

  I was way to annoyed with Hana at this point she ruins everything! I tried to be nice to her because she's Jemma's but man was I mad to see her here.
  "Austin." She cried in her annoying high pitched tone.
  "Yeah." I replied in my best concerned voice as I turned to sit back down. I felt a hand whip me to the side to face her and she wrapped her arms around me in a long hug, I hugged her back to make Jemma happy.


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I wanna know.😕😐😳😱

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