It begins.....

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Rushing inside hospital

Suho's p.o.v

My mind is full of thoughts and I don't think I can control them. They are just flowing. As I reach the operation theater I could see familiar people outside it. Everyone is full of fear and are trembling. I just can't believe what happened just now....

I could see doctors and nurses rushing back and forth. I look at everyone out here. Sehun was seated on the floor and was weeping really hard. Lay was beside him calming him down but I could clearly see his face which showed fear. I could see Chanyeol's funny face plastered with horror. D.O looked completely blank I couldn't read his face at all. The others haven't arrived

I just can't believe what happened out there. It happened all of a sudden. But I can still remember every bit of it.


Love me right tune was being played. It was after our performance. Everyone was waving at the fans. It's been a while since we had a concert because of SM ' s problems and scandals. There were fans cheering really hard giving us more and more energy. All of us are really excited but I feel something was not correct. I could sense something is up. Suddenly Sehun notices a box on the stage. He starts to walk towards it but was stopped by Xiumin .

Xiumin said " Sehun stop there, I am the hyung and I get to open this box."All of us chuckled. Because everytime they two only get to open the gifts. Now Xiumin steps towards the box.


Then everything was foggy. I saw fans scream. The boys were panicking. And then I saw Xiumin's body lying on the stage.

Flashback ends

I opened my eyes after feeling tap on the shoulder. I felt my tears. I have lost three of my brothers and I don't want to loose one more.

I saw doctor in front of me. He gave me a small reassuring smile. Doctor said " You don't have to worry anymore. Patient's condition is stable now and you can visit him if you like to... "

As I stood up from the chair I saw Sehun sleep on the floor. D.O was asleep beside me. Lay was seated at the end of the corridor and I think he was also informed by the doctor about Xiumin because he started to walk towards me.

As we both enter the room we could see Xiumin sleeping on the bed with a bandage on his head he also had a few scratches on his face. As we walked towards him we saw him open his eyes.

He gave us a weak smile.
I sat beside him.
" How are you feeling..? Is that painful..? "

He said "Not as much as it looks"
As he completed his sentence the nurse enters the room.

"Can you please let the patient sleep. The visiting hours are finished you now need to he head home. I am here to take care of him ." She said as she gave me an bright smile which lighted up my mind.

We stepped out of the room. I saw Sehun already woke up and rushed toward me.
" How is he..? "

"He is all right. You don't have to worry. Hey it was not your fault.. Trust me. All right now wake D.O up we are heading home rest of them will be in the dorm waiting for us. "

I saw Sehun walk towards D.O .
I turned back saw Lay on deep thought.

"What are you thinking? "

" I don't know if Sehun will forgive himself. He is really a child. It would be really hard for him. "

"Yes I do think so but it wasn't his fault at all the police will soon find out who did this.."

Sehun and D.O arrived near us. We were about to leave when we noticed that someone was missing. We heard children crying suddenly as we walked there we saw Chanyeol playing with the baby which was crying. It seemed like the baby was afraid of Chanyeol. We saw nurse coming and she scolded Chanyeol for disturbing the baby. This boy he is never going to be mature. So laughed as we saw Chanyeol lead out of the room by nurse.

At home

Kai's p.o.v

I stood in the living room noisily. I have been calling D.O hyung for more than an hour now. It is been like three hours since they went to hospital. Now I am getting sick of waiting for them to answer the call. I can see Chen preparing coffee for all of us.

We had been to the police station. They are trying their best to find out who had made that attack. They think it was sasaeng attack. But it is way out of the line how can they do this to Xiumin hyung..

I heard someone at the door and saw Suho hyung and the other.
As soon they entered the room they were showered with questions.

"How is he..? "

"How is hyung...? Is he badly

" Okay just stop he is all right. He only had an head injury that is it.. And now I need everyone to inside their rooms and rest. It has been really hard day for all of us. We will talk about this tomorrow " said Suho hyung

Next morning

Sehun's p.o.v

I woke up with feeling pain in my eyes. I walked towards mirror and saw my eyes were red and puffy. As I walk downstairs I saw manager-nim sitting on the living room couch. His face was not cheerful as used to be. As he saw me approach gave me small smile. He waited for all of us to wake so that he could make announcement. As everyone arrive.

He stood up from the couch and walked in front of all of us. Now he stared to speak" I am really sad to know about what happened yesterday because of all that all your schedules are postponed. And SME thinks that..."

He paused and looked at all of us.
And continued "that... your lives are in danger so they are appointing you all a new manager."

We all looked at one another for a second... And looked at manager. There was a small silence and I was the one who broke it.

" What do you mean by new manager...? And what about you?"

"I don't I just need to follow what the company says and don't worry about me I am going to be the manager for new girl group which will soon debut. It's been real fun being with you. I hope your new manager is really good one.. "

As he said this I could hear someone cry as I turned back I saw Chanyeol crying really hard with Chen. They are such crybabies. We all hugged our manager-nim one by one and said good bye. After all this I don't think appointing a new manager is right thing. I hope SME has a plan about all this.

I will just stop here for now. How was it...?. It is my first time writing a story.
I hope you all like it.
Next chapter will have new manager's entry

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