33) You & Me Against The World

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Chapter Thirty Three- You & Me Against The World

Jc's P.O.V

Taylor rested on the hood of her red convertible as we stared out at the beautifully painted sky. We drove up near the Hollywood sign to watch the sunset. A warm breeze danced around us as the pink and orange colors of the clouds reflected off our faces.

Taylor and I have been attached at the hip since Vidcon. She wanted to avoid Andrea and I wanted to avoid Kian. Everyday we'd go out and explore new places to keep our minds off things. It reminded me of the first couple of months of our friendship. There was no messed up feelings. Just us against the world.

"Thank you." Taylor stated and hauled herself up into a sitting positing.

"For what?" I chuckled and ripped my gaze away from the sunset. She stared into my eyes before shyly looking down at her hands.

"For keeping me busy and not letting me sulk over Kian and Andrea." She explained and stared back at the horizon.

"You look prettier with a smile on your face anyways." I answered and she nuzzled into my side. I wrapped an arm around her and sighed happily.

"You're so cheesy." Taylor laughed and poked my side.

We sat in silence as the sun lowered in the sky. It disappeared after a few minutes and we both climbed back into her car. I sat in the drivers seat and turned on the radio. We stayed there a little longer enjoying each other's company. Things were starting to go back to normal.

"I think I'm going to move back home." Taylor blurted out. The dark shadows cast across her face as she looked at me.

"W-What?" I stuttered and stared at her in shock. "W-Why? You can't just leave."

"I've been thinking about this for the past week now and I think it's the best thing for me." Taylor explained but I didn't want to hear it.

I ran a hand through my curly hair and sighed loudly. She can't just leave California and all her friends behind. I won't let her. "You can't just up and leave. Everyone will miss you."

"I have to do this, Jc. Everything's messed up and I need-" She began but I cupped my hands around her face.

"You're a fighter, Taylor. You pick your head up and show everyone that you don't need someone to make you feel complete." I stated and slightly shook her face.

"I am a fighter," She replied and placed my hands on my lap. "But a fighter has to pick which battles are worth fighting."

"Is there anyway I can change your mind?" I begged and stared at her intently.

"I don't think so." She answered and leaned back in her seat. I tapped my fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. My mind raced for a solution. I can't let Taylor run away. She needs to stay her and face her problems. As I stare at the blazing lights of LA, I had an epiphany.

"I can think of one place that will change your mind."

Taylor's P.O.V

Jc drove down the beautiful coast as wind flooded into the car from the open windows. I decided to tell him I was moving back home. It was extremely hard to do and he wasn't taking it well. No matter what he did, I still was going home tomorrow. I may have kept that part a secret but I didn't want to ruin our night.

"We're almost there." Jc smirked as I eagerly sat at the edge of my seat.

"I hate when you don't tell me where we're going." I said. Jc kept on driving until he parked in front of a familiar gas station. He smiled over at me and got out of the car. I looked up in 'aw' with my eyes wide as Jc opened my door.

"Remember this old place?" Jc asked and slipped his hand into mine. The building still looked run down and on the verge of crumbling. The flickering lights above dimly lit the store. Jc led me to the drink coolers and came across the Arizona's. Jc twirled me around and leaned me against one of the cooler doors. I giggled as he reached into the cooler and pulled out a fruit punch flavored Arizona.

"There's only one left." Jc spoke and tossed the can in the air before catching it continuously.

"That's gonna be a problem considering there's two of us." I played along with a smirk.

"How about we make a deal?" He asked with a smile. "I'll give you this Arizona if you give me your number."

"Deal." I chuckled and rested my head back against the cold surface on the cooler. We were quiet for a few minutes, taking in the nostalgic moment. I wish I could press rewind and go back to that day. Why did he bring me back here and make all these old feelings come flooding back?

"What are you thinking?" Jc asked as I shut me eyes in thought.

"I'm thinking," I breathed out and opened my eyes to stare at him. "I might not want to leave after all."

"Then don't," He responded and stepped closer to me. "Stay here and fight your battle. It's you and me against the world."

"You and me against the world," I said and shyly smiled. Jc rested his forehead against mine and stared into my eyes. I felt my lips moving closer to his. I pulled away before I could do anything that would mess things up even more. "It's getting late. We should get going."


I sat in my bed that night staring at the ceiling. Jc really had me thinking about this whole move. As I continued to think of staying, my mind kind of shifted. I couldn't stay here and be with Jc. I can't live in an imaginary world and pretend everything's ok.

"I'm a mess." I whispered to myself and rolled over on my side. My eyes landed on a picture of Kian and I at one of the O2L shows. Our smiles lit up the picture and we looked so happy. I quickly remembered everything that's happened since that picture was taken. I have to go home. This is going to break Jc's heart. If I went to say goodbye tomorrow, I'd never leave.

So, I grabbed a notebook and started to write a letter. A letter of things I've never had the guts to tell him.


Thank you for reading and voting!

xoxo, Leah.

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