Chapter One.

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I looked up slowly, trying not to make any eye contact with him what so ever. It had been almost a week since the breakup, and I was still struggling with my own life as well as my love life. It wasn’t exactly my fault that we had broken up, it was the rumours faults. Everyone knows that rumours start from people. People as in people you absolutely

loathe. Everything was going well, infact everything was going perfectly well until a rumour started up last week.

I finally picked up my pencil from the wooden desk and started on my maths work. Even though I wasn’t even In the mood, I had to do it. Everyone in the class were talking, everyone apart from me. You see, ever since the breakup with Matt, I had turned the most unpopular kid at school. When I was with him, it was the complete opposite. I guess that whoever dates Matt will become popular...For a few weeks only.

I sighed lightly as I slammed my pencil down on the school desk, making a loud noise, but it was unheard as the whole class were talking too loudly. I listened in carefully to a few of the many conversations that were going on. I guess everybody’s nosy, not just me.

“Rachel! Shut up! I so do not even like him” one of the most popular girls said to the others as she flicked her bright blonde hair over her shoulder, causing the other girls in the clique to smile at her. Of course, she was probably the leader of the group.

I turned my head lightly to my right side, listening into another conversation that was going on between the boys.

“No I’m not getting that phone, its crap” murmured one of the best-looking boys as he held his friends phone in his hand, examining it before speaking again. “I’m getting the iPhone 5.”

I looked at the group of boys quickly, examining their faces. Perfect beautiful faces. Most of them were smiling at Darren, the boy who was going to get the iPhone 5 soon, but others were talking amongst themselves, probably about cars or something. One of them..were looking at me.

I felt my face flush as I looked down at my un-finished work quickly, grabbing my pencil a little too fast as I felt the nervousness start to build up. My heart was racing fast as I dropped my pencil on the desk, about to pick it up again but realised it had rolled across the table and fell beside Rachel’s bag, one of the cheerleaders at school.

I was about to get up but realised there was no need as the boy who was looking at me earlier got up his seat quickly, walked over and picked the pencil up off the ground. I couldn’t help but feel myself flush even more as he approached me, a couple of steps towards my desk and he was only about ten cm away from me, literally.

“You dropped your pencil” he said in his low voice as he grabbed a chair nearby, spun it across so it was facing me, then sat down and held his hand out with my pencil In it.

I took it slowly as I stuttered slightly whilst replying back to him.

“Thanks...I...Uh...Lost grip of the pencil.” I said quickly as it all came out in a rush.

He grinned brightly, showing his perfect set of white teeth as he leaned over to me, so close I could feel his breath against my face. I felt like I wanted to melt.

I felt his warm breath against my ear, and at that moment I couldn’t hear anything else, not even the loud conversations in the class, apart from his low whisper.

“Sure you did.” He whispered into my ear, his lips brushing my ear slightly, causing me to blush.

“Oi! Frankie! Get over here! You can do so much better!” one of the boys shouted over as everyone else in the class broke out in hysterical laughter.

“Sorry.” Frankie whispered into my ear before leaning back, getting up off his seat and sitting back to where he was.

Everyone in the class continued to laugh as my face flushed even more, I kept my head down, gripping onto my pencil tightly incase it decided to roll of the desk again.

I was used to everyone laughing at me, ever since Matt broke up with me. I started on my work, blanking out everyone’s laughter as I realised I was fighting back tears for the first time in front of everyone.

I tried my best not to let them flow, but I couldn’t help it as a teardrop rolled down my cheek.

“Hey! Everyone shut it!” I heard a familiar voice shout as I wiped away the tear and looked up, seeing that it was Frankie. His face turned slightly red as he tried to think up on an excuse, and just when he was about to speak the door was pushed open, and in walked Mr. Brown.

The girls got off the tables and sat back on their seats, grabbing their pens and pretending that they were working. All the conversations stopped as everyone’s heads were down, looking at their own works, keeping their mouths shut incase Mr. Brown decided to hand out detentions.

I looked into the direction of Frankie again, and realised he was looking at me. I saw him mouth the words ‘you alright?’

I felt myself nod slightly as a smile creeped up on his face, causing me to smile back at him. At least no-one was looking at us, which meant no-one was going to laugh at me again.

I kept looking at him for a while as he looked back at me, making eye contact slightly. I realised that Frankie was one of Matt’s best friends, and that he was one of the boys that encouraged Matt to break up with me.

My heart sank as I looked back down at my work, feeling myself get upset already to the thought of Matt not loving me anymore. Maybe it was just a crush? I thought to myself as I looked up at Frankie one more time.

He looked at me, almost staring as it was completely obvious he was thinking of something. Before I could do anything, he looked at me and clicked his fingers lightly, wanting me to pay attention.

I nodded slightly, giving him my full attention as he smiled then pointed to himself. I raised an eyebrow as he tapped his head, then pointed to himself again.He brought his hands up slowly and formed a love heart with them before pointing at me.

It took me a while before I figured out what he meant.

I think I love you.

I think I'm Falling For.. Frankie Cocozza.Where stories live. Discover now