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March 2011~Sandra

Today was one of those days that fly by without you noticing at all. All of a sudden it was English class again.

I walk into the bright classroom and find my seat at the back. I lay out my notebooks, writing utensils and watch the students file in. Suddenly, the seat next to me is pulled out and I find Calum sitting there just like the other day.

"Hello San." He smiles and places his well worn his notebook onto his desk.

"Hello Calum." I smile back. Thank goodness Eve doesn't share this class with me or she would have torn her hair out, and thrown a chair at the poor guy.

"Did you figure out what you're doing for the assignment?" He asks, one eyebrow raised.

"I've got some ideas." I flip to a page where I had jotted down some options, "I still need some inspiration. Do you know what you're doing?"

"I never know what I'm doing."

"I mean, do you know what you're doing for the assignment?" I clear up.

"I think I do. But like you said, I need some inspiration." He leans back in his chair and fiddles with a pencil.

The last of the students file in and Mrs.Marane slides her glasses to the bridge of her nose before beginning. "Today is another working period, I want you all to have an idea of what you are doing for this assignment by the end of this class. You have lots of freedom to write whatever you'd like. Let's get to work." She finished with the clap of her hands and the class broke into a frenzy; pulling out earbuds to listen to music or just talking to friends. Mrs. Marane always let us talk to our peers while we work since it might give us a "spark of inspiration". I on the other hand usually sat alone and got lost in my work. Which is what I decided on doing now.

It was going pretty well until I felt the hairs on my neck stand on one end. You know that burning sensation as if someone is looking at you. I was surprised to find Calum staring at me intently. Raising my eyebrows I questioned his actions, but his gaze didn't falter. Coming to conclusion that he wouldn't stop, I turned back to my work. I didn't accomplish anything since the upper half of my body burned from his lingering stare, causing me to feel self conscious.

When the bell rang, I leaped out of my seat and ran out the door towards the music room. Anything to get away.

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I reached the music room slightly out of breath. I won't lie- I'm out of shape. Which of course is a bad thing with cross country season approaching quickly. Mentally writing myself a note to start training before sign ups began, I lifted up the guitar Calum used instead of my usual one.

Not wasting a second of my time I pulled out my notebook. It was filled with words, phrases and paragraphs that all had one thing in common. They were song lyrics.

I wasn't any song writer, I was a girl picking up hobbies along her way through life. I started strumming and started to sing out quietly.

"I was a nobody,

You were a somebody.

It's hard to understand why,

We'd always say goodbye.

Before the night ends,

Is it worth making amends?

Before the night ends,

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