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Odell POV
I can't believe this,i have been with Memphis and Clayson throughout every step in their lives and now my son is calling another man daddy.

I arrived home and parked my car.

"What are you doing here?" I said to Kaimya as she sat on my door step

"We need to talk" she said getting up

"What is it?" I asked

"Can we go inside?" She said

"No" i said

"Look i miss you,i really do and my life hasn't been the greatest either,ever since Memphis took over the company after Anna retired she keeps me around as the janitor the fucking janitor as punishment and if i quit i won't enough to pay my bills" she complained

"So you came to me for money!?" I asked her

"No...no i just want to start over with you" she smiled

"You can start over with someone else,i don't have time for you" i said getting inside my house.

Memphis POV
The party was over and i was putting Clayson to bed.

"You okay?" Blake hugged me from behind

"Im fine,dont worry about it Odell will get over it" i said

"Memphis he won't get over it" he said

"I don't know what to do,i just.....i need to go to bed" i said walking to the bedroom,i got changed into my pjs and went to bed.

Next Day
"Okay babe ill see you at the game and were something nice i won't my teammates to be jealous thats their wives ain't as beautiful as you" Blake said as we spoke on the phone

"Okay be there" i said

"Bye.....i love you" he said as he hung up

I got changed and drove off with Clayson ,i got a call from the office

"Memphis,you have a meeting with Alexander McQueen tommorow at 5" my assistant reminded me

"Okay,next time just text it" i said hanging up

I drove to the areana and parked my car,i picked up Clayson and walked in since im luckily a basketball wife i got to sit courtside.

The team came running out and Blake came towards me.

"You made it" he kissed me and Clayson

"Why would I miss it" i smiled

"Dadda" Clayson held Blake face

Blake looked at me as i smiled.

While the game went on,Clayson was constantly trying to get on the court i had to grab his hand every 3 minutes Blake was about to go for a shot and suddenly he fell and i heard him groan in pain he was holding his leg as everyone crowded around him

"What the he'll happened!" I asked his coach

"His leg,the bone popped out it socket" he said

I ran onto the court and kneeld down towards him

"Its gonna be okay,okay?" I said trying to comfort him

The officials took him away as i went with them.

We eventually arrived at the hospital and Clayson fell asleep in my arms,i called Odell.

"What is it?" He answered the phone hesitantly

"I need you to come to the hospital to pick up Clayson" i said

"Why what happened?" Odell asked

"Blake broke hi-"

"Okay if its about Blake i dont care ill be there in 20" he yawned

"Thanks" i hung up

I waited for Odell to come. Odell finally made it but he didn't come alone.

"Kaimya,why is she with you?!" I asked

"Memphis don't overre-"

"Im gonna fucking overreacted,im not letting my child go home with this homewrecker" i said

"Homewrecker?! Bitch dont call me no homewrecker hoe!" Kaimya said

"First of all,bitch,watch the way you talk to your boss second if you think just because my baby here that i won't mop the floor with you, you got me fucked up!" I said

"Memphis calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down,you see why ill never forgive you? I cant forgive if you won't change! Instead of trying to make a better relationship with me your sleeping around with the same trick that ruined our marriage! You know what just leave im not having my child any where near this bitch! Go Odell!" I yelled as i teared up

He walked away as Kaimya followed him,i cant believe he would still be seeing her after what she did.

"Mrs.Griffin?" The doctor asked,i nodded

"Good news we were able to fix his leg without any harm done,but hes gonna have a 8 week off vacation" the doctor said

"Thank you doctor,can i see him?" I asked

"Yes,and he can also come home as well" the doctor smiled,i got up and walked to his room.

"Memphis" Blake smiled

"Hes still a little high of laughing gas" the nurse said as she left the room

"Hey babe,im taking you home tonight" i said taking his hand

"Wheres Clayson?" He smiled

"Hes right here" i said lifting him up on the bed

"Hey buddy" Blake hugged him

"Daddy okay?" Clayson asked

"Yes daddy's okay" i said kissing his forehead

"I want to go home" Blake said sitting up on the bed

"Okay,we'll go home" i kissed his cheek,i packed up his things.

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