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Shane's P.O.V

I woke up tiredly on the sofa, groaning. I'm not wearing anything but my boxers and Taylor's asleep next to me, wearing shorts and a tanktop. I realised my head is on her stomache and groaned even more.

Memeories of last night flooding back. We watched a load of movies, Taylor drifted off and I got too hot so I practically stripped and fell asleep.

It's a good thing this sofa has a built in bed.

Taylor started stirring and I rolled over, so my back was facing her

"Shane.." She whispered


"What happened last night?"

"We fell asleep while watching movies and you don't really wanna look down" I told her.

She looked down anyway, and screamed

I looked down and my eyes almost came out  of their sockets.

I have a bulge and there's a slight dampness under me

"Please say that I had a wet dream over Hannah" I pleaded

"You were moaning in your sleep. hunny" My mom said  "But it wasn't Hannah's name"

I closed my eyes. Hannah can be a bitch sometimes, and I have a feeling she's gonna go apeshit on my ass when she finds out.

"It sounded like you were saying 'Taytay'." My mom sighed

"Taytay is short for Taylor and I only know one person called Taylor....." I trailed off, shooting up to my feet   "I HAD A WET DREAM OVER MY SISTER!!!"

"WHAT!?" Taylor screamed, shooting up as well

"This can't be happening" We both said, she held her face in her hands, shaking her head slightly while I run a hand through my messy hair

"How about you two talk about it while I make some breakfast?" My mom suggested, we nodded as she went to the kitchen

Taylor sat on a recliable chair and sighed

"If anything, it'd have to be the beer" I told her  "Because I have seriously never had a wet dream over anybody before"

"What I don't understand is why it was me" She looked down sadly  "I mean, yeah I do feel appreaciated and achknowleged I'm here, but your.. your my step brother. This shouldn't be happening"

"Taylor" I sighed, gently taking one of her hands in mine  "I do like you, but we're siblings, now. I've got Hannah, you've got Troy"

"And even though you didn't know I existed until our parents started dating, and we met, I still feel like sometimes you don't know me and I want to be back in England" She croaked

I nodded in understandment

"Well it is Summer, so we could go for a week or something as a whole family and you get to see your old friends" I smiled

It was her turn to nod

"MOM!" I shouted, and she came in

"Can we, as a whole family, go on Holiday to England for 2 weeks?" I asked her

"Yeah. If your stepdad wants to" My mom nodded

"YES!" We both cheered

I'm happy because I've always wanted to go to England, and she's happy because... well, you know the reason

"What you kids so happy about?" My stepdad asked, coming down the stairs

Taylor ran to him and he picked her up, hugging her

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