--Chapter 12--

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Troy's P.O.V

I look through photos of me and Taylor, how happy we were

The one photo that makes me regret ever being with Hannah, is the pregnancy test. Taylor holding the test with a slight smile, and me kissing her temple, as Shane and Hannah are stood behind us

I touch my lips. I want the taste of her cherry lipbalm again. I want the feel of her tongue swirling with mine.

But I can't have it. Not after breaking her heart. Multiple times.

If I hadn't done that, she might've been sat here, on my couch. I could've been playing with her lovely blonde hair, our legs tangled together as the kids play with their toys, but I went and messed it all up, by being like all the other guys: I played Hannah and Taylor like a game. Now i've lost the love of my life, my children, and all of my friends and most importantly, my family. I got kicked out when my mom found out. I had to live out on the streets for a week or two, then my aunt let me live in her flat, and she lives with her husband in his house.

I hear a few knocks on the door and get up, carefully shoving the photos in the box and pushing it under the sofa

I look through the peep hole to see the blonde locks of Taylor's. She turns to face the door and knocks again, picking Vanessa up

I open the door and she breaks down into tears

"I can't handle five kids anymore Troy" She cries "I can't even look after two without being a bad mother"

I let her in an sit her down on the sofa

"What do you mean five?" I ask

"I had triplets" She whispers "While we were away on tour, I was pregnant with triplets"

"It's okay, Taylor. I'm here for you, no matter how much you hate me" I try comforting her

"Mommy, when will we see daddy again?" Louis asks Taylor, and she bites her lip

"You don't need to explain. Niall's been more of a better dad than I ever have been, and you're a brilliant mom" I say

I look at the two children that are biologically mine. My two beautiful children that I abandoned when I played with their mom

"Would you like a drink, something to eat?" I ask, standing up

"Can I have a cup of tea, please? You still remember how I like it, right?" She replies

I nod and go into the kitchen, making us both a cup of tea and getting some biscuits

I give Taylor the drink and she pretty much downed it

"None of them can make it right" She says "I'm surprised you remember because my dad doesn't"

I smile at the same time she does

"It's like our first date, but with kids" She laughs

"Yeah, a bit" I nod. Our first date was here, i my aunt's flat, starting to get to know eachother with a cup of tea and biscuits, with a movie on and my aunt in the kitchen baking

Taylor gets up and opens the lid to the dvd box, taking out a movie and setting up the t.v

"We don't need your aunt's baking, all we need is eachother, the kids and a disney movie" She says, getting settled next to me. I fight the instinct to have my arm around her, but she wraps it around her waist anyway

"I pushed you away because I wanted to be with my idols, but I never knew what was truely important" Taylor tells me "The love and warmth of my family and friends. That's what's important, because I need you guys, being with One Direction is what I wanted, not what I needed"

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