Holiday P3

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[Troy's P.O.V (In America)]

I woke up to my phone ringing

Me: Hello?  *yawns*

Hannah: OMG! Have you heard the news?

Me: What news?

Hannah: Taylor had the baby last night. It's a boy and weighs 3 pound 4.

Me: Is she alright?

Hannah: She's fine. But she should've told you first, not Paige and Belle

Me: Thank god for that. I don't mind im the last to know. As long as Taylor and the baby are okay, then im happy. Do you know his name?

Hannah: I think Shane said it's Louis somthing. I don't know. I wasn't listening properly

Me: Ok. Louis. I like that name

Hannah: Gotta go, now. Mom wants me

Me: Ok. See ya later 

Hannah: Bye

Call ends.

"Troy, hunny, your friend Dom's here" My mom shouted

"Ok" I shouted back, going to the bathroom and running the cold tap, splashing it on my face, waking me up a bit.

I went back to my room and quickly got changed

"Has anyone told you Taylor's had the baby?" Dom asked, as he walked into my room

"Yeah" I nodded  "Hannah did. She sounded so excited. Not."

"I think she's just jelous because she gave birth in the lift at the hotel when it broke, and Shane was the one that caught the baby. And Taylor wanted Shane to stay overnight in the hospital" He told me

"Yeah, but even you know she hates hospitals" I stated  "So Hannah shouldn't be jelous of Taylor when nothing's going on between her and Shane"

"If she hadn't given birth, they would've had to share a double bed"

"Im not bothered. I mean, Shane has wet dreams over her, but Taylor doesn't give two shits about it"

"But do you have doubts about them? You know, most step siblings hate eachother at first then grow friendship" Dom said, emphasizing the 'then'

"Some friendships grow just like that" I said, clicking my fingers,  "Because Taylor's lived here at least a month, and already bestfriends with Nessa"

"That's not the point" Dom sighed  "We're all starting to think she's cheating on you"

I ran a hand through my messy hair and sighed, picking up my phone

I decided to call Shane

It rang about 3 times before he picked up

Shane: Hello?

Me: How's Taylor?

Shane: She's perfectly fine. Infact, she was about to call you

Me: What's the baby's name?

Taylor:*in background* pass me the phone

Shane: *sighs* fine

Taylor: Hello?

Me: How's you and the baby?

Taylor: We're perfectly fine.

Me: What's his name?

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