Begin Again

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[Taylor's P.O.V]

I sighed and sat on the edge of my bed, net to Shane

"How am I supposed to stop having wet dreams over you?" He asked

"I don't know" I answered truthfully "You'll have to go to the clinic and see if they can get something to stop it"

"This is just bullcrap" He mumbled

--  (A Few Months Later)

"This is just getting ridiculous, now" I told Hannah "He wakes me up at night to tell me. I don't feel like I need to know"

"Taylor, I understand how you feel. For once" Hannah told me, putting her arm around my shoulder "You're getting annoyed with him having wet dreams. And it is kinda annoying, but, we're 17, now. We all need to grow up at one point"

"I just don't know if I can take it, anymore. I mean, Im off on holiday next week. It's gonna spoil my happiness"

"Hey beautiful earthlings" Nessa chirped, bouncing up to us

Hannah and I both mumbled a 'hey' before sighing simultaneously sighing. All 3 of us.

"Ok, listen to this" Nessa said, plopping down on the bench inbetween Hannah and I "So Im pregnant, but Im not sure if Cole wants to actually father the baby. He sees so distant the past few days"

"Nessa, he probably does want to, but is just scared" I told her "I mean, Cole's a good lad. He loves you, you love him. The only thing holding you both back is the lack of communication. You're letting him avoid you. And if I am possibly pregnant, which I truly hope not, but if I am, Troy's gonna feel the same as Cole, because we're all young, and let's just face it, we're all scared of getting pregnant before graduating from school and collage"

"Yeah. You're right. Should I go talk to him?"

"Yes. You defiantly should. If you want to keep a stable relationship, you ARE going to talk to him, girl" Hannah said, almost pushing Nessa off the bench


I got in my car and drove to the clinic with Nessa, Paige, Belle and Hannah

"I don't get why you're taking all of us" Paige said out of the blue "I mean, you only really Need Nessa and Hannah"

"I need you all there, Pay" I told her "The tube stopped working more than 3 months ago. Im not taking any risks"

(at the clinic)

"Taylor, you're pregnant" The nurse said "But we're not 100% certain, so if you wait for a few weeks, then we should be able to tell you"

"Ok" I pulled my t-shirt down and glanced over at Nessa

'No, Taylor' she mouthed, shaking her head 

'Please' I mouthed back

She gave me a defeated look before standing up

"I- I think I could be pregnant, as well." Nessa said

She's shy and this is awkward for her

"Ok, hop on the bed then, love" The nurse told her. Nessa nodded and got on the bed, as I went and sat on the chair

I dug my phone from my pocket and texted Troy and Cole

To: Troy, Cole; Hey. We need to meet up. Nessa's coming 2. 

From: Cole; Where? 

From: Troy; Sure, babe. At the Ice Cream parlour? 

To: Troy; Yup 

To: Cole; Ice Cream Parlour


[Nessa's P.O.V]

Taylor and I arrived at the Ice-Cream Parlour, and looked around for our boyfriends

I saw them and walked towards them, keeping my eyes glued on the ground

"Why're you both upset?" Troy asked. I flicked my eyes to meet Taylor's and bit my lower lip, before collapsing into Cole's arms, crying

"We're both pregnant" Taylor whispered

I looked at Troy, and his eyes almost came out their sockets

I felt Cole shaking his head, stepping away from me

I looked at him and I saw anger flash in his eye, before he turned around and walked off


"I'll try to talk some sense into him. I don't know how hard it'll be. I don't know him as well as Dom does, but I'll have a go at it" Troy said, before kissing Taylor's nose and taking off, running and catching up with Cole

[Cole's P.O.V]

When Taylor told Troy and I that herself and Nessa are both pregnant, I didn't feel happy, or sad, or any emotion.

I glanced at Troy as his eyes almost popped out of their sockets, he's as surprised as me.

I shook my head and walked off, I can hear Nessa shouting me, and I could care less, but I haven't had se with her in a while, and when we do, I always use protection.

I heard Troy running up behind me, but I walked faster and faster, until I began running, and Im one of the fastest runners at school, so I got away from him faster

I ran to the only place I could think of. The old railway tracks.

I know this might sound stupid, but there's a big field, and near it, there's a old railway track, with a tunnel. Above the tunnel is a bridge, that leads to a motorway. There's a bank (like a river-bank) where the field and track meet, and there's a few trees on the bank and one of the trees is really good use for climbing, and we set up a treehouse.

I climbed up the tree, to the top of the treehouse, and watched the cars zoom past

I noticed the sky began to grow grey, then droplets of water hitting me.

The light shower of rain turned in to a thunder-storm and I shivered, in the tree.

I checked the time on my phone and realised im 13 minutes late after curfew.

I got out of the tree and began running home. The only problem is that im cold, wet, and the rain is blocking my eyesight. I ran across a road and the next thing I know, a car hits me and I pass out..



OH NO! Cole didn't take the news very well.

Next chapter should be longer. This was only a filler. OKAY!?

Ok. Good.

Bye! :)


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