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...she saw the one and only Drake, the bad boy of the school staring at her with his ocean like deep blue eyes. He smirked at her and started checking her out shamelessly. She tried to look away from him but it felt like a force is just keeping her eyes in his direction. Before she can understand what's going on, he started walking towards her. Her heart was beating like a drum in her chest, it felt like it's gonna burst out of her chest any moment. 

"Hey" Drake said with his usual devilish smirk on his Greek God like face. Only he can pull that smirk that well, she thought. After regaining her posture she replied "hi" she said waving her hand trying to act natural. And Drake noticed the little red colour appearing on her cheeks. 

This made his smirk turn into a smile. As she noticed his smile, she was surprised is an understatement. "You look cute when you blush" Drake honestly said. Shaina started looking in another direction, trying to hide her cheeks, which she knew are now a darker shade of red then a tomato. 

"You're Shaina right" he asked. 

"Yeah, but how do you know my name?" she didn't expect him to know her name. Hell, she didn't even expect any from the hot male population to know her name. 

"One of your friend is dating Shawn, he's my Buddy and friend of yours just didn't stop to blabber about, how you don't have a date and she is to busy with her date and you are all lonely, so I thought 'let's give you some company'" he said shrugging his shoulders like its no big deal. 

'Me and my oh so dear friend are gonna have a little chit-chat later on' she thought.

"It's ok you can go"she said embarrassed. 

"No I'll stay, because I don't have a date either, I didn't ask anyone to the prom, because afterwards I know they would start some rumor. They are just really obsessed with me. Ones I asked a cheerleader out and let's just say she wasn't my type, so I told her, let's just be friends and after a day or so, she started a rumor saying that she's carrying my child."

He said shaking his head. 

"You are kidding, right?" she said in disbelief. 

 She knew that he's the ultimate bad boy and the hottest guy of the campus and all but she truly didn't expect girls to be that crazy about him. 

"No I'm not, angle" he said looking at her with an unknown emotion in his eyes. 

"Wow....I don't know what to say" she said and then a realisation dawned to her. "Hey! Why did you call me angle?" Shaina asked him. 

 "Because you look and behave like one" he said in a duh voice like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

Before she could say something more a slow song started to play. Every one grabbed their partners and started to move slowly, some of the girls head were resting on their partners chest with their eyes closed. Shaina also wanted to do that but unfortunately she didn't have a date. 

"Would you like to dance" Drake asked pulling her out of her thoughts. "What." she was so shocked that she even considered pinching herself to make sure it wasn't a dream. 

He chucked and said "Come on angle, let's dance." 

He took her hand and dragged her in the middle of the dance floor, where every couple looked like they were having the time of their life and that no one else mattered to them at that moment. The song changed to "Like I'm gonna love you" by Megan Trainer and John Legend. 

Drake took her hands and put them around his neck and wrap his hands around her waist and pull her close. 

"Umm Drake" she said as she stared in his beautiful blue eyes. 

"Hmm?" He was staring at her eyes like he was looking into right into her soul. 

"I don't know, how to slow dance" she murmured, but loud enough for him to listen over the sound of music. 

"Don't worry, angle. Just follow my lead." He assured her. 

She nodded and did as she was told to do and as the song was about to finish, she found herself relaxed in his arms. 

She looked up and found herself lost in his eyes, he leaned in but before their lips could connect, a high pitched voice interrupted and in time she was snatched away from Drake arms and onto the floor. She looked up and...

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