Baby boy

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💙- Louis
💚- Harry
💖- third person



I got up lazily from bed to go to work, I started my usual routine of getting ready which was taking a quick shower. After I was finished I got dressed and made my way downstairs. I put a piece of toast in the toaster and patiently waited for the toast to pop up.

As soon as heard the 'ding!' Sound I took the piece of toast and put jelly on it making my way out the door.


Today was another boring day at work answering conference calls and attempting a few meetings to discuss some ideas on a franchise we own. Honestly it was so boring I almost fell asleep on the spot but luckily no one saw me.

But it was almost time to go anyway so I just waited until little time past by.


By the time I made it home I went straight to my room and changed into some sweatpants and a v-neck t-shirt. I went back to my living room to watch a little tv, I went to Netflix and decided I wanted to watch 'The Office' and relax until I fell asleep again.

But there was a knock at the door...

This is going to be good I can already feel it or that may just be the good food I just had but w.e lol but ttyl my nuggets

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