Make a move

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💙- Louis
💚- Harry
💖 - third person


I woke up and daddy wasn't in the bed and I got scared, "DADDYYY!" I yelled possibly getting his attention. Soon he was rushing in the room asking me what was wrong. "Nothing wrong with Louis daddy, Louis just wanted to know where daddy was" I say with a smile and he returned it with a sleepy one it looks like he's been up all night.

"Can Louis have breakfast now daddy?" I ask wondering what I can have to eat "yes, what would you like?" "Louis wants cereal I guess" I say not wanting to much "are you sure I could always make some eggs or–" "Louis is fine" I said with my head down. Once he gave me my cereal I ate pretty fast making him chuckle I don't know why though.

"Want to do anything today like go out or anything?" "Louis wants to stay here with daddy" I say because there was nothing really interesting to do and there were no sales at the mall so why not relax, "ok but just to warn you I have to work so you might get a little bored, but if you do just stop by my office it's just down the hall to the right" "ok daddy"

After he left I decided to look at 'Steven Universe' and probably take a nap, but unfortunately I couldn't I wanted to do something else other than watch tv all day so I decided to play dress up in daddy's room.

He had so many big shirts and sweaters that I pulled down and took the shirt that I currently had on and stared to try on his t-shirts that looked like the one he gave me last night.

"Louis! Where are you" daddy yelled I didn't know if I would get into trouble so I hid in the closet.


I going to check on Louis because he's probably  getting tired of just sitting there alone, plus I needed a break from working so hard. I travel downstairs to check up on the lad but he wasn't there, I searched frantically calling his name "LOUIS!" I yelled, I went up stairs to see if he was any of the rooms. When I went to my room I saw my shirts all on the floor assuming Louis did it I went into the closet and saw Louis in one of my sweaters and all of sudden I could feel my pants getting tight "Louis so sorry daddy, Louis didn't mean to make a mess" he sniffled but I got down to his level to hug him and I may or may not have stared to long at his ass but I couldn't control myself.

"can Louis come with daddy to his office" he asks "of course baby" we got up and walked to my office

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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