I'll take care of you

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💙- Louis
💚- Harry
💖-third person

Once I opened the door I saw this cute little adorable boy at my door, he looked lost and maybe a bit frightened.

"E-excuse me sir can Louis stay here?" he asked but I wasn't sure he seemed so terrified of me but I didn't want to scare the poor boy. " 'course come in sweetheart" I said trying to calm him down.

"How did you get here?" I asked seeing if he wondered off and got lost so I could probably take him back. "Louis' mummy dropped him off and never came back" he answered, apparently he spoke in third person which took me a while to get it. But we talked about where he lived so I could probably take him back home, but I doubt his mother would want him back though.

"Well...you can stay here for a while, how does that sound?" I asked wanting to make sure he was okay with it. "Yes! Louis would love that!" He stated cheerfully, which may have made my heart skip a beat seeing that beautiful smile that I've seen for the first time. "Your like Louis daddy now right?" He asked, and with just that one little statement made my dick twitch but luckily I covered it up.

"Yeah..something like that" I replied maybe getting bit harder, "is daddy okay? Can Louis call you that" the small one asked and I replied "of course sweetheart, and I guess you can sleep in one of my shirts since you have nothing here" I smiled and he greatly returned it. We went upstairs and I went to my room and gave him my shirt, and once he put it on he was just to adorable. The shirt was to big and stopped about a few inches above his knees and the shirt was low on him so I could see his chest.

"How do Louis look daddy?" "you look very pretty baby, you can sleep in here and I'll sleep on the couch okay?" I said but then a frown appeared "but Louis is scared to sleep alone" he said with the cutest pouty face that made me melt, "I can sleep with you, only if you want me to that is" "Louis would like that! Thank daddy" "anytime kitten"

I crawled into bed with Louis and laid down a little distant because we barely knew each other so I gave him space.

"Daddy can you hold Louis?" He asked and I was surprised that he was so comfortable already with me "sure little one, scoot closer" I said and that he did, he pulled my arm around him so now I was hugging him to my chest and I may have just met him but

I might like this kid already..


A/n: So um...how was this ? I feel like it was okay but I could've done better but oh whale 🐳 lol but comment what you thought. Byeeee.

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