Lost boy

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💙- Louis
💚- Harry
💖- third person
Here's another update comment something nice and I might reply *winks*

Ps: that's Louis' outfit at the top



I got up to the sound of my mum yelling at me to get up. "Louis! Get up your leaving today" she said with a smile on her face, I got up excitedly and hurriedly ran to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.

Once I got out of the shower I got out my favorite pastel blue panties, got my pretty pink crop top with 'Angel' on it and finally to finish it off a white pleated skirt. When I was done dressing I took a look in my mirror and did a 360 spin so get a full look of my out fit then we were off.


"Mummy where are you taking Louis?" I asked she didn't answer right then but a few moments later she said "it's a surprise" which made me even more excited than I already was. She went through a awesome looking neighborhood and stopped in front of a random house. "We're here!" My mum said as she slowly stopped the car, "yay!" I squealed as I hopped out the car.

"Isn't mummy coming?" I asked but she shook her head replying with "I'll be back later just wait" as she started to drive off, so I walked down the street admiring the big houses I passed.


It was now starting to grow dark and I wanted my mummy so I sat in front of someone's house and waited for her to come back. When it started to get later I went from house to house to ask if I could stay but they wouldn't let me they would just close the door in my face.

Just when I was about to give up I knocked and someone actually answered.....


Oh snap another cliff hanger lol I'm bored soo if someone wanna pm me feel free and a little warning if I don't answer I might be busy with school work Orr asleep that is all see ya laterr

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