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even the greatest beauties of the world must crumble into the sea at some point

The winner of the OC contest {that's just what I'm calling it you could've described yourself} isn't mentioned yet but I have picked a winner {I DID IT RANDOMLY I DONT KNOW THE WINNER PERSONALLY I SWEAR} and I'm not sure when the character will be mentioned but yeah

Um also your character won't be committing suicide just like FYI 😂 I'm sorry but I couldn't stop laughing and I don't mean that in a mean way if I sum tired (idk what the hell I meant) something I never would've thought about putting that so that was really cool

  T O B I was more than just confused when Josh (or Joshua whoever he was) said he didn't know how he died. He was pissed. How does one kill them self then forget. Then again, it was the first time Tobi had died so who was he to say?

  "Joshua knows how you both died," Elouise says before turning and speaking to everyone. "I guess I should explain what the hell happens now," she lightly laughs before quickly stopping.

   "Basically, you all committed suicide, and the big guy doesn't approve of you taking you life, but he has sympathy and he forgives you guys, but you have to pass a test. You must learn to trust people. The reason you all are here is because of the reason you committed suicide, you shut people out. Simon, after your family left, JJ, after you thought no one would be there for you, Ethan, after your parents didn't approve of your sexuality you thought no one would, Harry, after you developed anorexia, Vik when you thought no one was listening even though they were, Tobi, after the first time your dad hit you, Josh, when Joshua first took control," she pauses letting her words sink into everyone's mind. Tobi didn't realize how much he shut people out until now. (Okay there was a typo here and it said "he didn't realized how much he'd shit people out" and I couldn't stop laughing okay continue) His teachers would often ask if he was okay during class. "Yeah, I'm okay," was always his response without ever thinking about it. If only he had asked for help.

"What if we don't believe in God?" Harry asks making Elouise frown.
"Don't day that out loud. He's always listening," she hastily explains and Harry looks at her kind of scared. "Anyway, to get to heaven, you must learn to trust people, trust each other. Think of this like a ghost support group almost," she explains making everyone just kind of look at her quizzically.

"Wait, are you a part of this support group?" Tobi asks wondering why she didn't include herself about shutting others out.
"Yes and no, I'm not really a part of your group because I have to earn my way into heaven a different way, but part of my way to earn it is by helping you guys," she pauses. "There's some stuff you need to know about this house, by the way. Just think of whatever you want to eat and it'll appear in the fridge and think of what you want to drink and it'll fill your cup out of the dispenser on the fridge. Someone give me the name of a drink," she says and Simon says Dr. Pepper so she grabs a cup out of the cupboard and walks over to the fridge. Once she puts her cup under the faucet, a dark bubbly soda comes out which Tobi assumed was none other than Dr. Pepper. She hands it to Simon who spits it out immediately.

"It's definitely Dr, Pepper, but why the hell did I say Dr. Pepper if I hate it?" he gags setting the counter. JJ, who's next to him, laughs loudly slapping Simon's back making him almost hit the counter top, but he smiles.

"Now, you do have to eat to survive here, but you'll never gain weight which is so amazing. But I caution you, do eat because if you starve yourself, your second chance is gone," she explains avoiding looking at Harry. "And no alcohol," she quickly adds looking at everyone but Simon. "Besides no alcohol or smoking, one more thing, whatever you do, do not leave this house," all the boys exchange weary glances at each other wondering why they can't go outside. What lays behind the front doors?

"Why not?" JJ asks speaking what was basically what was on everyone's mind. Elouise just shakes her head with a shrug.

"I'm not sure. I've never been since I've followed the rules, I recommend you all do too," she shakes her head, "okay, let's begin."

Next update: Thursday March 3rd

y'all (most of you because you read this right as it came out) got this a day early because I miscalculated xD

okay so here's the plan (it might change) the next chapter comes out Thursday, but the chapter after is a bit tricky because I'm like halfway done with it so you guys will have to wait longer so I can make it the best I can etc.

also some importantish stuff:
I can make updates more frequent but chapters about 600 words (around this length ish excluding a/n) or a little over 1000 (first two chapters) but less frequent (only like a week later or so)

and also how long do you want this book to be? I would really like making it one of those really long books because I love writing this but I don't think there's enough scenarios I could write under these circumstances idk

ONE MORE THING: IM NOT WRITING AND HOMOSEXUAL COUPLES AND NO HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES (technically) but I will include you OC and it's confusing one person knows what I'm doing (it's a friend not the winner she didn't enter) idk you'll just have to wait but no one will be falling in love with Elouise (she's lesbian if you didn't catch that) and no one will be falling in love with each the only couples that are mentioned are Toni's girlfriend and Elouise and her girlfriend (giving Simon a girlfriend is still up in my thoughts *wink wink*)

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