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sorry I didn't update the 22nd I just had a bad day and a lot of homework then yesterday I legit baked a cake all day it took forever aka much longer than I thought

this chapter is really confusing oops

Sometimes we don't know what path to take but we have to choose before someone else does it for us

   T O B I woke up having no clue where he was. This definitely wasn't his room. Nothing looked familiar to him which concerned him very much. What if it was all a dream and he was still alive? That's a good thing, right? His heart said it was, but his brain said it wasn't so he was torn not knowing if he'd rather be dead or alive. His brain was racing with so many what ifs and how's quickly giving him an aching headache.

   He looked around while trying to untangle his bird's nest one would called thoughts realizing he was in a girl's room. At least, he thought is was a girl's. He also noticed the tear stains on her pillow.

   Almost everything in the room is aqua. The walls, the pillow covers and sheets, a lot of the little knick knacks on the shells and the stuffed animals in the corner. Memories of his old girlfriend swirl in his mind. Their relationship was a little complicated since Tobi never tried to introduce her to his parents because he thought they could hit her, and whenever the beatings were really bad, he could barely get out of bed without feeling like he went to war with every step, he'd have to bail on her and that seemed to be a lot to her.

   He truly did love her with all his heart. It was like puppy love between them. They made each other better and everyone knew when they were arguing and when they made up because just the mood in school could change in a day because of the couple. Sadly, he girlfriend moved two cities away so they saw each other less and it really dent their relationship. Most of the time they just met up at a random small crappy coffee shop to catch up like friends rather than do coupley things. He missed her so much. After she had left, Tobi had begun to embrace the punches from his father more than try to shield himself. Maybe if she hadn't of left he would still be alive. He didn't mean to blame it on her since her parents forced her to move but he really wished she didn't.

    He got out of the bed seeing he left no sign he was there on the duvet so he must be a ghost, but wasn't one of the rules he couldn't leave the house? He decided to deal with that later, and walked to the door and tried to grab the knob to turn it, but his hand just went straight through only confirming the thought he's a ghost more. A pang of pain went though his heart when he figured out he's a ghost, the feeling rippling through his body like ripples of water.

He felt so many feelings all at once, he just wished he could throw them all up and never have to experience them again.

    All of the sudden he heard the soft padding of footsteps so he bolted to the other side of the room. Before he could reach to slide the door open, he trips on a stuffed animal and falls forward going straight through the door making him feel weird not wanting to do it again. He might seem like a ghost but maybe people can see him. That's a possibility right?

    The door opens and a blotchy faced girl walks in, her chocolate brown hair covering her eyes, but Tobi could tell those eyes from anywhere?
"Sarah..." he mumbles making the brown haired girl snap her head up to his direction, but not seeing him yet.

    "Who said that?" she questions to the air, voice cracking.

She can hear me.

   Tobi takes a deep breathe before saying, "Sarah, it's me, Tobi. Don't freak out." He steps out from behind the closet door not liking the feeing of walking from behind the door. When Tobi is in full view, Sarah gasps bringing her hands to her face and tears dotting her eyes.
"Oh my God," she breathes out, "T- Tobi?"

    "It me, Sare Bear," (IDFK) Tobi sends Sarah a sad smile and walks up to her. She lunges for a hug before Tobi can react or pull away, but was caught of guard when he feels Sarah's warm embrace around him. What is this?

    "Y- you have no idea h- how much I missed- you!" she cries out not letting go of her boyfriend? "They told me you were dead! I couldn't believe it, I couldn't! You're too strong to give up, Tobi! I knew it!" she says through her tears of joy which breaks Tobi's heart.

    "Sarah, I need to tell you something," Tobi interrupts pulling away. "I love you so much, Sarah. I do, but we can't be together. The thing is-" he aides, words getting caught in his throat. How could he tell her, the only person who ever really cared for him, that he's actually a ghost but somehow they could touch and he didn't know how long he has with her. "I- I'm dead Sare. I died three days ago, and you're the only person that misses me."

    "T- Tobi? What are you talking about?"

    "I'm a ghost Sarah. I'm not actually with you right now even though I'd do anything to be. I'm not sure if I'll be yanked away or what and I feel like I'll upset the big guy if I give to much away, but I want you to know something. I love you so much. Please don't join me for a good few years because I'll only blame myself even if your death is an accident like mine was not. I love you too much to see you again. I'm a ghost who loves you."

And then Sarah and Tobi woke up.

next update: Monday April 4th

second comment was @lookitsmeSarah :D thank you to everyone who entered and put up with my late updating also thanks for 3K I love you guys

Simon winner next chapter :D

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