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^^^ idk the author/drawer no watermark :(


V I K felt uncomfortable around these other 7 people. He felt inferior to them because of his problem and that he couldn't speak for himself, literally. He had so many thoughts in his head and he couldn't share them by himself. He felt so dependent on everyone else and he felt like everyone else hated him because he wasn't like them. He thought he'd be used to not being able to speak by now, not its harder than it seems.

Elouise led them to the main room which consisted of couches and chairs all around in a circle. He decided to sit on a brown leather loves eat watching as everyone else picked their chairs thinking no one would sit next to him, but someone did.

"Hey, um, I don't mind reading if you want to... proclaim something," Harry explained nervously. "I'm sorry but I just a have some... issues with self image and... you can't stop me if you want. Feel free to," Harry rambles making Vik give a small, fake, smile with a nod. Harry let's put a sigh before sitting down next to him leaning on the opposite armrest. Elouise walks in with a bowl of popcorn popping a piece in her mouth slightly confusing everyone since they didn't hear the microwave beep, but ignore it taking a few pieces as they pass it around.

   "Okay, so normally I won't be with you guys, but right now we're supposed to do like ice breakers. Remember your guy's goal, open up to people. Tell the, your problems and don't bottle up unless you want to stay her longer. The more you open up, the faster you get to heaven. Let's start with something simple, say something you've never told anyone. It doesn't have to involve depression, just like a fun fact. I'll go first. Because of a dare, I wore a pair of pants for one week straight not changing them at all," she says with a warm smile.

   Everyone tried to do the best they could, the best one being Harry when he pantsed (idk how to spell that) a girl on accident thinking she was a guy. "Okay now, let's do a QnA. Anyone can ask anyone anything, if you don't want to answer say pass. The goal is to say pass the least amount of times you can. Vik, I can read out loud for you if you want," she comments, but Vik only shakes his head motioning towards Harry who explains to her that they already worked out something. "Okay good," she smiles. "Tobi," she begins, "what's your favorite color?"

   "Black," he responds, "because you can do so much with it."
   "Okay, now you ask someone a question," Elouise directs.
   "Josh, how do you not know how you died. That's kind of hard to not know," Tobi pushes making the feeling in the air immediately tense.
   "I- uh- pass," Josh stumbles obviously uncomfortable. Vik felt that something bad was going to happen with Tobi and Josh, and he's a very good judge of character. He was just afraid for the both of them. What'll happen when Joshua (or whatever his name was) comes out? "Vik," Josh starts making Vik open up his notebook. "Okay this isn't really just one question but they all tie in together. Have you always not been able to talk? If not when did you stop or is it a choice? I'm not very familiar with mutism," he explains a small blush on his cheeks. Vik quickly scribbles the more legible words he can then hands the notebook to Harry who then reads it out loud.

(I'm not sure if this can actually happen)
I had been able to speak for a good number of years in my life. Thirteen. My voice started cracking and my mom said I was going through puberty, but the cracks soon became worse. My voice came out in strains and breaths going to all different pitches. Soon, my voice just gave out. The doctor was confused until a different doctor said it was mutism and I haven't been able to talk since. I can hum and laugh and cry, just not talk sing or basically anything with words.

Harry reads aloud before Vik quickly snatches the notebook and scribbles something else down which Harry also reads aloud.

I'm not sure what to ask so someone else go please

   Vik gives a thankful smile to Harry when he hands the notebook back closing the cover.
   "I'll go," a new voice volunteers, "Josh I have a question for you." JJ smirks
   "Um, okay?" Josh questions a confused look on his face as he looked at JJ's mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

"What day did you kill yourself?" JJ asks ending the suspense that once lingered in the room.
"Friday." Josh answers truthful, but confused. But Vik noticed something, the blue bracelet on his wrist was turning darker.
"Of course you did! Fridays are for loser. Saturday is where it's at." JJ laughs making everyone else in the room scoff at how annoying JJ was acting.
   "Why does it matter?" Simon butts in confused by JJ's question.
   "It just does. Don't question it." JJ defends voice

No one says anything after, so Elouise decides to give them a tour of the place.

"A new place, a new day, a new start."

next update: Monday March 7th (I'm like halfway done with next chapter and I like being ahead and having pre written stuff so yeah)

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