Chapter 19

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That night after the worship celebration, Baara had trouble falling asleep. Rather than tossing and turning on her mat, she arose and went into the courtyard. She quietly entered the empty alcove and gazed at the altar where the fire had consumed the sacrificial meat. Stooping, she lifted a handful of the soil Naaman had brought back from her homeland.

With the soil still in her fist, Baara left the alcove and sat on the bench under Maacah's favorite olive tree. She slowly rotated the fingers of her fist so that the soil broke up and fell into her other palm. As she languidly sifted the soil from hand to hand, she began to pray, thanking God for the healing and conversion of her master.

Lifting her eyes heavenward, she beheld Maacah's and Naaman's special star shining like a beacon in the dark night. As she focused on the star, her thoughts slowed, and she allowed her mind to be filled with the awe and majesty of Yahweh. Words ceased to express her gratitude, and her worship became an emotional response to her God. As she allowed her feelings of gratitude and love to overwhelm her other senses, the star seemed to grow brighter and closer.

Suddenly a shining being stood in front of her. The being appeared like a man, but its body was more vaporous. The light that surrounded it seemed to emanate from within. Dropping the bit of soil and covering her face with her hands, Baara cowered against the trunk of the tree in front of what could only be a supernatural being.

"Be not afraid," the apparition said to the frightened girl. "You have found favor with Yahweh; He is pleased with your faithfulness. I have come to bring a message from Him."

Taking her hands from her face, Baara stammered, "Yahweh sent you to talk to me. Who am I to be so honored? I am just a poor slave girl."

"True," the angel responded. "But you have found favor in the sight of God. Even though your family was killed and you were dragged to a foreign country and made a slave, you have stood by your faith. You have prayed for your enemy and asked Yahweh to demonstrate his power by healing your master. Yahweh heard your prayers and granted your petition when you sent your master to the prophet Elisha for healing. Because of your faithfulness, Yahweh's name is on the tongues of the men of Damascus. Because of your faithfulness, an altar to Yahweh now stands in this house. Because of your faithfulness, the most powerful warrior in the Aram army is a worshipper of the one true God. So now, Yahweh has sent me with a message for you. Because of your faithfulness, you and your descendents will live your days on the land near Kedesh given to your father as part of the inheritance of the children of Judah. In due time, you will return to the land of your ancestors. You will invoke the custom of Mahlah so that you, although a woman, can inherit the land of your father. Your husband will be of your tribe and lineage and will gladly leave his ancestral home to settle with you on the land God has promised."

"How will all of this come about?" Baara asked, standing and leaning toward the angel. "How will I find this man you have promised to me?"

"Your faith has brought you this far," the angel said. "Trust God to do as he has decreed. When the time comes, you will know. At the appropriate time, say to Naaman: 'Michael said, Yahweh is pleased with you. Go and do what you have promised.'"

Thus saying, the apparition disappeared as suddenly as it had come, leaving Baara standing staring into emptiness. As she searched the heavens for some sign that the vision had been true, Maacah's star twinkled brightly in the constellation, and a breeze stirred her garment. As it sighed through the branches, it seemed to whisper, "Yahweh, Yahweh."

Returning to her room, Baara lay on her sleeping couch and went straight to sleep. Strangely enough instead of dreaming of shining angels with heavenly messages, she dreamed again of the blue-eyed giant. Once again, Baara and Maacah were in the Damascus market shopping for pottery. As they had actually done earlier, the two were shopping for a basin for Maacah's newest grandchild. As they looked at a blue basin, Baara's mind reminded her that they already owned such a basin, but she was unable to break the spell and inform the women in the dream. Instead, she watched as the girl in the dream looked around, searching for a pair of blue eyes. She wanted to shout to her, 'He's not there. I already looked,' but once again she was powerless to interrupt the dream. As she watched the dream, the merchant filled the blue basin with water to demonstrate that it had no leaks. Peering over Maacah's shoulder into the water, Baara saw reflected in the basin a pair of laughing blue eyes. Gasping and whirling around to find the owner of the eyes, Baara threw off her cover, shocking herself into wakefulness.

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