Chapter 1

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Lana's POV
I walk into the bar, wearing a short, red dress. My hair is down, and curled at the ends. I sit down at the bar, waiting for my manager to tell me it's okay to perform a few songs. "Would you like anything ma'am?" I turn my head and see the bartender smiling at me. "A beer please." I'm a little nervous about performing. There's quite a lot of people here. I hear the bartender set the drink down by me. I smile and take sips of it. I watch as people drink and dance with each other.

I turn my head just as someone walks through the door. She came alone. Her hair was dark, matching her eyes. She's wearing a short, pink dress. A small, black heart was drawn on her cheek. I watch her as she searches the crowd of people. she walks into the crowd and starts dancing with different people.

I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I slightly jump, taking me out of my daze. "You're up Lana." I walk over to the stage as the last singer steps off. I get up to the microphone. I take a deep breath, trying to conquer my nerves. "Hi. I'm Lana Del Rey. I'll be singing three songs. The first one is called Push Me Down."

I hear the music start, and I soon start singing. I try to make eye contact with people in the crowd. I notice the familiar girl I saw earlier. She's looking up at me, dancing. I smile at her, but look away that way she doesn't think I'm staring.

I soon finish all my songs and walk off stage. I walk over to the bar and get another drink. I just order a water since I know I have to drive home. I look around for the girl, only to find her walking out with some guy. I sigh, hopefully she doesn't do anything stupid. I wanted to talk to her, try to make a friend.

I finish my water and get up to leave. I walk out to my car. I get in and start it, slowly pulling away. I have a few more gigs here for the rest of the week, maybe I'll see her again.

I get back to my apartment about 10 minutes later. I'm exhausted from tonight. I unlock the door to my apartment and walk in, locking it behind me. I walk into my bedroom, finding a note form my boyfriend, Barrie. It just said he would be out for the rest of the week.  He has "work thing to do." I throw the note on the nightstand and walk to the dresser to get pajamas. I change into an over sized T-shirt and crawl into bed, and fall asleep just as my head hit the pillow.


I wake up with the sun shinning in my face. I grab my phone off the night stand and look through all of my notifications. I see on Instagram a few pictures people took last night at the bar. I roll out of bed and get ready to go shopping. I need to get a new outfit for tonight. I get an outfit for the day and head for the shower. I turn the water on and undress as it gets hot. I hop in and quickly wash my hair, then my body, and quickly shave. I put on shorts and a black shirt. I put my hair up and  head out the door.

I drive around until I found a decent looking shop.  I walk in and the shop is empty, except for the older woman working at the cash register. I give her  small smile and look through the racks of dresses. I pick out a short, orange dress with pink flowers. I walk up to the cashier and place the dress onto the counter. "What's the special occasion?" "Oh, I'm actually a singer. I have a gig at a bar tonight. Thought I'd buy something new to wear." I hand her the money and she smiles. I take the dress and walk out to my car and head back to my apartment.

I walk into the bar and do what I did last night. I sit at the bar and order a drink, to calm my nerves. I've sang for people plenty of times, I don't know why I still freak out.  I take sips of my drink as I watch everyone dance. My manager tells me it's time to go on stage. I walk up on stage, with the glass bottle in my hand. I introduce myself again, and name the songs I'm going to be singing. I hear the music to "Kinda Outta Luck" begin to play. I start singing, and dance a little. I see a familiar girl wall into the bar. We immediately make eye contact. She rushes over and starts dancing.

Three songs later, I finish and walk off stage. I sit at the bar and get another drink. I sit back and watch everyone. I kinda want to go out there and have some fun. I finish my drink and set the empty bottle down. I walk out and start dancing with random people. A few people tried talking to me but I couldn't hear them over the loud music. I notice the girl going from guy to guy. She's grinding on them and making out with them. I can't help but wonder why she's like that. Maybe she's lonely, or just easy.

I danced for a while but needed a break. I walk over to the bar and get another drink. The bartender slides me a beer. Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone sit next to me. "Can I get you anything?" I hear a sweet, accented voice. "Yes, I'd like a vodka." I see the person turn their head towards me. "Hey." I turn to face her. It's the girl. "Hey." She holds her hand out. "I'm Marina." "Lana." "Yea I know. You're great up there by the way." I smiled. "Thank you." She turns away for a second to get her drink. "I see you keep staring at me. Why?" She probably thinks I'm a creep. I feel my cheeks turn red. "I uh- I just noticed how you end up with different guys, that's all." She nods her head. "We should hang out sometime. I don't really have friends, and you seem cool." She grabs a pen and napkin and writes her number down. She slides it over to me. "I should get going, but call me and we can hangout sometime." "Okay!" "Bye Lana."

She walks back into the pool of people. I look down at the napkin. "Marina Diamandis." Her number is written underneath her name. Each I in her name is dotted with a heart. I take the napkin and walk out of the bar. I barely had anything to drink, so I think I'll be okay to drive. I get in the car, and drive back to my apartment.

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