Left Our World

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She hides herself
Afraid to reveal herself

She fears society
And all its judgement

She has an armor of scars
And a mind of insecurities

She painted her arms
With beautiful art

She wanted to explore a new world
One noone truly knows about

She figured it was better than hers
Free of all the criticism

She wasn't perfect
And everyone made sure she knew

It wasn't fair
She just wanted a chance

But her exploration has begun
She prepared with a note

Full of guilt and regret
Masked by freedom and opportunity

She left our world
And entered the new one

She watched over everyone

She saw the guilt
And the regret

They didn't know what they were doing
But now she has told them

And it's too late for them
They can't apologize for this one

Desperate Words (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now