The Stares

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The light shut off
My vision blurred
The demon standing in front of me

It reached out
Its cold hands clutching my wrists
Ice flooded my veins all
Throughout my body

I stand there
So much so I can't shiver
My whole body under the curse of its evil, cold hands

It pulls me
Guiding me out of my life
Showing me the world I've always dreamed of
Convincing me it's better this way

But then there's a flash
Blinding me once again
I flinch back
The demons face revealed

Fear floods my veins
Melting the ice that has taken over
Freeing me of the evil curse
Opening my eyes once again

Anger flashes on the demons face
It glares at me
A glare that is way too familiar
The fear igniting inside of me

I turn to run
But he grabs my hands
The ice tries to make its way back through
But my fear was just too hot

It tightened its grip
Sending memories through my mind
Which cause chills to run back in response
My fear beginning to fade

He smiles again
That familiar smile which sends more chills down my spine
Coupled with the ice that freezes my blood
And my will to live

I'm not afraid to die anymore
I welcome it and stand there
The bright light dwindles away
And that familiar face covered, again, in a shadow

I feel myself being pulled away again
It's finally going to be over
All the pain finally about to end
A smile burns itself across my face

"Thank you"
The words slip out in a fiery breath
Scorching the back of its head
He turns around and whispers "you're welcome"

The words freeze the hot smile on my face
I should be scared after hearing its voice
But instead I realize that there is no need to be scared
That this is what I've been craving this whole time

The door to my room opens
It guides me out
I see people
So many people

Where am I?
This isn't my house anymore
Stop! I can't do this
The stares! So many stares!

They burn, they scorch my skin
Breaking me free from the cold grip
What am I doing
No! "Take me back"

Instead, the demon just looks away
Its head to the ground, ashamed
It failed while I have been given another chance
But I don't want another chance

I look up and see the world I've dreamed of living in
I was so close
I fall to knees
The ice shattering

The people begin to fade
The demon walks back into the shadows
Forever watching over me
Waiting to try again

I'm left laying on my floor
Staring down at my arms
Looking at the scares of which were left by the stares
And the marks on my wrists from which the cold hands had gripped so tightly

Desperate Words (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now