Aidon/thalia: bonus chapter

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A/n: so first off, I have no idea when I last updated so sorry if this is late. And next, I don't know if I already said this, but this chapter is extremely long. Also, it's not my best one cuz I screwed it up and had to rewrite part of it so :/
But anyways, I'd like to get your guys input on stuff , do you ship them? Later (after these chapters) I'm going to be adding a character that's already been mentioned, but that isn't a main character. Tell me what you think of him.
Also, I'm thinking about making a chapter about which characters I see as who in my life, cuz a lot if my friends and people I know are reading this, and some characters have the same or similar names. Tell me if u want me to, and I'll see what I have. Thanks!

I had grown up living half with my family and half in the palace with the general and his family. I had met my best friends James and Carter there, and done all my training. Really it was for nothing since every day I knew Thalia was a rebel I was going against everything.

But I remember clearly how I met Thalia, I don't think I'll ever forget.
I walked into my room, just back from the gym and my little brothers practice.

The maid that was in there immediately whirled around to face me, her eyes widened and she leaned against the furniture staring at me with wide eyes. She was very pretty with grayish blue eyes and dark hair, her skin a beautiful ivory white.

"Are you quite alright? You look like a scared animal, I promise I don't bite if that's what you're scared about.", I smiled at her and it seemed to snap her out of her daze.

She straightened up, no longer leaning on my desk that she had been polishing,"N-no Sir. I'm not scared, you just surprised me, I'll leave if you plan on staying. Sorry.", she started to leave the room but I caught her arm. She intrigued me, it was just how she looked, like she should be a noble lady but had decided to try her hand at working, and was doing a good job of it.

"It's alright, I don't mind you in here, I was just going to read after a quick bath.", she curtsied and took the rag out of her apron, polishing the desk again.

I took a quick shower, then went back out, grabbing the book I had been reading and plopped on my bed.

The maid had moved on to my dresser, polishing that too.

I opened my book and tried to read, but I couldn't concentrate with her in here, so I got up and closed my book.

She looked up from where she was now rearranging the stuff on my dresser into neater piles.

"What's your name?", I might as well talk to her if she was going to distract me.

"My name is Anna- Thalia, my name is Thalia."

"Are you sure? You didn't sound too sure.", I chuckled as her face became best red.

"Yes Sr. I use my middle name a lot, but my first name is Thalia."

"Ok Thalia, I haven't seen you around here before, were you working as a kitchen maid before this or something?"

"No Sr. This is my first day actually.", she said as she moved to my armor and began polishing it.

"How do you like it here so far?"

"It's great here, and your father is very generous with payment."

"That's nice to know, and you can call me Aidon if you like. Do you like to read?"

"Yes, the book you're reading right now is actually one of my favorites. And judging by your bookshelf we have very similar taste."

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