Chapter 23 (Part II)

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She couldn't believe Sebastian would do something like this to her.

Just one thing she asked from him was fidelity. She knew he loved her a lot but how could she be with a man who was not faithful to her?

She scrubbed her arms and face as if to take away his touch, he touched Natasha the same way he did to her. He was with Natasha.

She tortured herself with their image together in bed as she howled in pain, moving her hands wildly through her hair.

He was just like her father.

Why why did she fall from him, ignoring all the barriers she had constructed around her after her father's betrayal?

She dint want to become dependent and vulnerable like her mother but she was worse.

Amaira lightly touched her flat stomach. Three lives were growing inside her, she sobbed as she thought how scared she was when she came to know about them. Happy but scared and she wanted Sebastian's protection and love right now but all she got was a confirmation that he never really loved her.

No she could not give up now, she had her children depending on her. Her mother came out of it and so would she.

She had left Seb's apartment where she too had been staying. After finding Sebastian and Natasha together she had rushed away from the scene as her heart could not bear more pain. She had  barely heard Ryan and Kate calling her name, but despite that she clearly could hear Sebastian's hoarse voice as he  said her name. It continuously rang in her ears.

She needed Sebastian, needed him.. but he betrayed her in the worst possible way. Her phone rang.

" Amaira, honey I need to--"

" Mom.." she whimpered as the dull ache in her chest became more piercing.

" Amaira?Amaira honey are you okay?Baby where are you? Is Sebastian with you?.."

"Mom.." she whispered slowly as the blackness took over her.


Amaira jerked as the past memories came in a rush, and she slowly closed her eyes, rubbing her temples as she turned to look out of the window.

She has been discharged from the hospital the same day and currently was sitting in her room in her parent's house. She looked at the rain, more of a storm outside and went back to her brooding thoughts.

She had avoided Sebastian since their reception, the reason unknown to her too but she just couldn't   bear to look at him. She had ignored his pleadings, protests when she had decided to return to her home rather than the villa Sebastian had bought for them.

But after realizing that she was not listening to him, he finally gave up and provided her with  a much needed space. She sighed again as the scene played clearly in her mind. After the time when she had found Sebastian and Natasha together, she flinched at the thought, she had fainted in the little cafe she had took as a refuge for some time. Her mother had somehow managed to find her exact location and the people around had took her to the hospital.

What was surprising was that she saw her father accompanying her mother to meet her at the hospital.Apparently he had finally mustered up the courage to ask them, plead them to come back with him. He had begged her mother to give him another chance, to be a father to Amaira and a grandfather to his future grandchildren. Her  mother had relented eventually, for Amaira and her kids but she never forgave her dad.

Her dad when he came to know what Sebastian did wanted to kill him, but her mother cruelly put him back to his place by saying "Oh don't even think about it. how can you hate someone who is exactly like you. Concentrate on the matter in hands okay?"  That little remark told her how hurt her mother had been from her father's infidelities but her cold and detached mask quickly hid it again.

Eventually she had returned to Delhi with her parents and was provided the best medical care, and all the love and affection from her parents that she had craved all her life. Her kids had been her only source of strength and the only reason she wanted to live. But then after 18 peaceful years Sebastian had hurled back into her life, taking it over the same way he did before, and she was still as powerless as she had been before.

He had made her more happy than she had been in the past years but one look at Natasha brought back all the memories she had been trying so hard to forget..

Could she really forgive Sebastian? He had still been in touch with Natasha despite what had happened and what it had caused between them..

Were they even meant to be together? she thought as a tear slid down her cheek.










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