Chapter Fifteen: A Simple Gesture

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Niall's POV:

The only thing I can hear is the dozen of machines beeping. The constant beeping of her heart. The sound of the respirator, breathing for her, because she can't. She's basically on life support. It turns out when the car hit her, her head broke the windshield and also hit the pavement first. She's in a coma. All of her surgeries went well, they repaired her knee but she will need physical therapy. Her spleen and appendix was removed, she also had a few broken ribs, one punctured her lung but the doctors said it should seal itself off in a few weeks. Other than that, they stitched up her open wounds and put a cast on her broken foot. There's cuts all over her face, but she still looks beautiful.

"Hey Niall" the nurse said.

"Hi" I said quietly.

I'm on first name bases with Mackenzie's nurse because I'm here so often. The nurse's name is Pam, she's really friendly and cares a lot of Mackenzie. She really wants her to wake up.

"How are you today?" Pam asked.

"Oh I'm okay" I said. "How is she today?" I asked.

"The same, no improvments" she said.


"But on the bright side, she's not getting worse" she smiled. "Stay positive Niall, she's a fighter" Pam said before leaving.

She was right, but Mackenzie wasn't any better. She had machines keep alive. She wouldn't be able to breathe without them. I buried my face in my hands. Mackenzie had her own private room since she was in such critical condition, and we all so requested it. The room was filled with balloons and get well soon cards. It was almost getting to crowded for anything else, it's really started piling up over the past month. I can't believe it's been a month already, I can still remember when we first arrived here from the accident.

I held onto Mackenzie's hand the whole way, but when we got to the hospital they kept pushing me away. I just needed to be by her side.


"Sir, we need you to step back" a doctor said.

They had security come out to keep me back. I got frustrated with them and finally gave up. I watched as they rolled Mackenzie into surgery, she was still bleeding from the wound on her head. I yelled out in frustration. I got a few strange looks but people don't understand what we've gone through. I sat in the waiting room for what seemed like hours. Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn ran in and came over to me.

"Niall how is she?" Louis asked.

"Niall answer us" Liam said.

I just didn't want to speak to anyone. We sat there for hours. I cried the majority of the time, the lads just comforted me. But they knew there was nothing they could say to make me feel better. I felt useless, I should always be there for her but I wasn't and I can't be now. Seven hours past and the head doctor walked out, I jumped up immediately and ran to him.

"How is she? Please tell me she's okay?" I cried.

"Mackenzie is in critical condition, she has a punctured lung, but not to worry it will heal within a month or two, her spleen was damaged and we decided it would be best if we removed it, along with her appendix so there would be no internal acid draining into her body. Her right knee was shattered completely, we repaired it as much as we could and placed a few metal plates in there. She will need physical therapy for that leg with her knee and her broken foot. Mackenzie had a few broken ribs, nothing too major" the doctor said. "But I'm sorry to say, she suffered two major blows to her head. One of the blows made a dent in her skull. Mackenzie is in a coma" he said.

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