Chapter 1

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Olivia's POV*-age 12-

"Olivia dear, what would you like for dinner?" My mother asked me from downstairs. Hmm let me think. I looked over to the clock on my purple wall. It currently read 6:30pm.

"Do you think we could have spaghetti?" I shouted back to my mom. "Of course sweetie" my mother said back to me. I smiled at my mom.

My phone then started ringing across from my room. I groaned and got up to answer it.

"Hello"I said into the phone.

"Hey girly" my crazy best friend said to me over the phone. I groaned into the phone.

"What is it dani" I asked. She laughs at me. "Seriously, this is like the 5th time you called me today" I whined. She laughed at me again. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to come shopping with me if your mom would let you of course" she asked. I raised my eye brows. "Uh I don't know, I guess I will ask" I said. She squealed and I could already imagine she would be jumping around. I laughed at her.

"Ok calm down, I don't know if my mom would let me thought considering my dad doesn't like me going out without parental supervision" I said trying to calm her down. I swear I have the craziest best friend ever. I smiled to my self at that thought.

"Oh don't worry my brother is coming" she reassured me. "Wait your brother, like the 19 year old one with brown hair and green eyes?" I asked. She had three brother and one other sister but she was only 2 years.

"Yea he came to stay with us for a couple of weeks considering their fumigating his apartment." She said. "Ohhh ok" I said. Her brother went of to college after he graduated high school. He got his own apartment since he got his own job as well to pay off his apartment. He doesn't live around the area near his family, he went off to college in California.

Me and my family live in Australia.

I heard the door open and close downstairs. Dads home!!

"hey dani, I got to go my dads home" I say to her. "Ooo say hi to him for me" she told me. "Kay, bye dani" I say to her. "Bye girly" she said and hung up.

I put my phone down on my dresser and rush downstairs only to be meeted by my father and mother lip locked. "My eyes, my poor innocent eyes" I scream and cover my eyes with my hands.

I hear my father chuckle while my mother giggled. I peeked through my fingers to see my mother blushing and my father smiling a big grin. "You can uncover your eyes now dear" my mother said to me. I smiled and ran into my fathers arms.

"Hey baby girl, how are you today?" He asked me. My father was taller than me so I had to look up at him. He was 5'11 while my mother was 5'4. As for me. I am barely 5'1. My mother was a good height for my father and they looked so happy with each other. I couldn't be more happier with my family.

"I'm good dad, how are you today?" I asked him. "Very stressful but now that I'm home with your beautiful mother and my beautiful daughter, I feel much better" my dad explained. I smiled and blushed. "Oh dani says hi" I remembered that dani told me. My dad smiled and told me to tell her he said hi back too.

The smell of spaghetti hit my nose as I turned my head to where my mum was cooking it. "Olivia why don't you and your father go set the table?" My mother asked. I nodded and grabbed my dad's hand and dragged him to the dining room with me." Woah slow down, shrimp, I'm getting old here" my father chuckled. I rolled my eyes at my father and continued dragging him to the dining room.

Once me and dad set up the table, mum came out holding the spaghetti and setting it down in the middle of the table. My mouth watered at the sight of my favorite food.

Literally, my mums cooking is like so good. She makes the most amazing spaghetti ever since she makes it from scratch. I don't know how she does it but I would like to learn one day.

We all sat down at the table and began to dig in to our food.

After I got my self a good portion of spaghetti, I decided to ask permission if I could go with dani to shop.

My parents were talking to each other about work stuff. As soon as they stopped I stepped in. "Mum, dad?" I called their attention. They turned their attention towards me. "I was wondering if I could go with dani shopping tomorrow, she is bringing her older brother to watch over us." I asked them.

They looked at each other and they looked like they were having a conversation with their eyes. My dad sighed while my mom smiled in victory. I had a confused expression on my face.

"Sure dear, but remember be back by 7pm tomorrow, remember you have school in Monday" my mum said to me. I smiled a big grin and nodded my head. "But remember, no talking to boys" dad said to me. I rolled my eyes while mum slapped him on the arm.

I'm really good at school, I always get good grades on my report card which is always straight A's and sometimes one or two B's but as for the boys part, I really don't pay attention to other boys unless they are being funny then I'll pay attention to them but sometimes one asks me out but I always reply no to them nicely. I don't even have a crush at school.

As soon as I finish my dinner, I get up and put my plate In the sink. I looked at the time on the wall and saw it was now 7:40pm. It may seem early but I did a lot today. I walked out of the kitchen and said good night to my parents. "Good night mom, good night dad" I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and my dad a hug" good night Olivia." They said back to me.

I went up to my room and flipped on the light switch. I then walked over to my phone and saw I had two messages from dani and one from my other friend Adrian. I opened the one from dani first.

Hey, did you ask your parents yet?

I replied back to her.

Yea I asked them, they said ok but I have to be back home at 7 since we have school on Monday.

She replied back immediately.

Ugh I hate school, I sometimes wish we have school around 10 so when we get there we only have 6 hours of school and not 8. But other than that Kk, I'll tell my brother.

I replied back with an ok and told her good night.

I opened the other text from Adrian.

Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out in the park tomorrow?

Was he asking me out? I mean me and him are friends and I told him that I always reject the other boys who ask me out but does he have to ask me? I mean he is pretty cute. He had blue eyes with blonde hair that goes up in a quiff.

I sighed and ran my hand through my brown hair. I replied back to him.

Sorry I can't, I already have plans with dani. Maybe next time:)

I send the text and put my phone down on its charger. I went over to my drawers and pulled out my pj's. I walked into my bathroom that's connected to my room and set them on top of the toilet.

Hopping into the shower, I washed my hair and body and just stayed there standing under the warm water letting my tense muscles relax. Once I saw my fingers getting a little pruned, I got out and dried my hair and quickly changed into my pjs and then brushed my teeth and brushed my brown wavy hair.

I went back into my bed room, turned off the light and got into bed. I turned on my flat screen TV and flipped through channels till I stopped and started watching Caspar. It was the only thing on. I saw the time and it was already 10:05.

After a few minutes, my eyes felt droopy so I turned on the sleep timer for my TV to turn off in 30 minutes.

I then got comfortable and closed my eyes, and let darkness consume me.

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