Chap 13 "Thinking"

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Nick's POV
We got to Haylee's penthouse. "Haylee, do you want glass of water?" I asked.
"Yes please," Haylee nodded as she sat on the couch with Chris. I handed her a glass and she took a sip. "Thank you to the both of you for dealing with me the past couple weeks."
"That's what were here for," I nodded.
"I didn't know you could sing like that," Chris replied.
"I didn't either," Haylee nodded. "I don't know where that came from." She looked at me. "Seems like all those days of me singing to my showerhead paid off." We laughed a bit. "I can't even remember the last day I laughed like that."
"It's alright," Chris smiled as he put his arm around her. "Do you want to go to the park?"
"No, we need to talk," Haylee sighed. "Look, I know everything about you, Chris." I sighed. "I know the day before you met me, Sharell broke up with you. You were depressed." Chris looked at her. "So was I. My boyfriend and I broke up two days before I met you and I was still heartbroken."
"So you're saying we should take a break?" Chris asked.
"That's all I'm asking," Haylee nodded. "I think we rushed into things and I knew I wasn't ready." Haylee and I both looked at each other. "I think I know exactly who I want to be with and I hate to say it Chris, but it can't be you."
"I understand," Chris nodded. He took off the ring and handed it to her. He walked to the door. "When the guy you're looking for comes along, make sure he knows he lucky to have you."
"Chris," Haylee stopped him. He turned and looked at her. "If you need anything, anything at all, don't hesitate to give me a call." I looked at Haylee. "Even if you need a lawyer, I'm qualified for that too. Or if you just want to hang out, okay? Because I don't want you completely out of my life."
"I know," Chris nodded as he opened the door and left.
"So, who's the mystery guy in Haylee's mind?" I asked. Haylee got up and walked over to me. She looked at her father's ring and then in my eyes. "Is it some kind of secret?"
"No," Haylee nodded. "Because the guy is you."
"Really?" I asked.
Haylee nodded. "And I thought, why does it always have to be the guy?" she asked. "Females are just as equal. Except, im not getting on the ground, so, Nick, will you marry me?"
"I guess now's a good time than any, huh?" I asked as I got an engagement ring out of my pocket. "Because this is for you." We out the ring on each other's finger. "Now, we're eternally bonded."
"Stop," Haylee smiled. She looked at the ring. "How long have you had this?"
"Two months," I nodded. "I had a feeling you'll come around." Haylee looked at me. "When you and Chris were a couple, some of my hope just left me. Like all I could think was that you've already found the guy you wanna be with." I looked at her. "But a little part of me was telling myself that your emotions were messing with you only because you got into a relationship with him a few days after you ended things with Hector."
"Yeah, well, it seems like I made the decision," Haylee smiled as she wrapped her arms around my torso. I wrapped my arms around her. "Can you promise me one thing?"
"What would that be?" I asked.
"I want Chris to be the one to give me away at the alter," Haylee sighed. "I want him to be my best man."
"Yeah," I nodded, hugging her close. "This is our wedding." I could feel Haylee's smile. "I don't care how our wedding is as long as your the one I leave with at the end of the day."
"Nick, we live together," Haylee smiled at me. "I don't think there will ever be a time where I leave you."
"You know the saying that girls say my man always comes home?" I asked as Haylee let go of me.
"Yeah but that saying isn't true," Haylee replied. "I just gotta make sure he loves me to not see me leave."
"I'm not ever leaving you," I smiled. "Don't worry your pretty little head over that one." I pulled Haylee in for a hug. "I would never intentionally hurt you."
"I know," Haylee nodded. "Sometimes you do without even realizing it."
"I do?" I questioned.
"I'm just messing with you," Haylee giggled.
"You had me going for a second there," I exhaled. "I can't ever live with myself if I ever hurt you."

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