Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to @Killa_Cammy because she's been commenting and voting for my stories so follow her!

Jacob's POV

I can't believe I actually kiseed her. And she LIKED it! This is probably the best day ever.

Taylor's POV

"Hey, mommy!" I said with a big smile on my face. I sat on the other side of the bar in the kitchen.

"I heard about what happened at school today. I'm disappointed in you. You know better than to fight at school," she said and my smile slowly faded away.

"I know, ma. But she started it. She yanked my ponytail and after that I just went crazy."

"But didn't you say something to her before she did that?"

"Yeah I called her irrelevant because she told me that I should drop out of the race since no one was gonna vote for me."

My mom shook her head. "Why aren't you and Bre friends anymore? She's such a nice young lady."

I gave her that "are you kidding me right now?" look. "Breaunna is a backstabbing, two faced, irrelevant, little bit-"

"Watch your mouth!" My mom interrupted me. "You calling her those thing are making you seem two faced too! You say she's those thing behind her back but when you were her friend you aint say none of that!"

"I'm sorry, ma."

"I'm not the one you should be apozogizing to. You should call her now." I sighed before pulling out my my phone. "Uhm. No. Give me that. Use the house phone."

"Are you serious?" She held out her hand. I placed my phone in the palm of her hand and grabbed the house phone.

"When you get off the phone, take your tv, laptop and iPod out and place it in front of your door."

I sighed again and dialed Bre's number. "Hello?"

"Hi, Bre."

"Uhm.. Hi?"

"I just want to say sorry for being rude today.."

"Uhm.. It's fine. I'm sorry for being rude too."

"It's fine.."

"I'll see you next week?"


Then I hung up. Since my mom wasn't around I decided to call Jacob. "Hello?"

"Jacob!" I said in my low voice.

"Hey," He said.

"Uhm.. So I got grounded today and I just wanted to let you know not to call my phone. Call this phone. It's the house phone."

"Okay. Will I be able to come over tomorrow?"

"Uhm.. Yeah.. My mom is going to work tomorrow so you can only stay for about an two hours,"

"Okay. I'll be there as soon as I get out of school," Jacob replied.

"Okay. I'll see you then!" I hung up before my mom came back downstairs.


*Next Day

"Hey, Jacob!" I hugged him as soon as he walked in the door.

"Hey," He replied. He took off his backpack and jacket before placing them next to the door. We walked in the kitchen so I could continue making my noodles. "So we're having an English on Monday, which is the day you come back. You might want to study for it. I wrote some notes down and maybe we can go over them today."

"Okay.." Since Jacob and I started hanging out, he's been helping me stay on top of my education. My grades have went up since me and him started hanging out. "Wanna start on that when I'm done eating my noodles?"

He nodded and sat on the couch. We watched SpongeBob while I ate and eventually we started studying for the test.


"Do I look different without my glasses?" I took my glasses off and looked towards him.

"Whoa. You don't look too different. But you still look beautiful without your glasses.

I started to blush. I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing Jacob complimenting me. He's been doing it since he got here. "Thanks.. How about you take your glasses off."

I pulled his glasses off his face slowly and looked he at me. I couldn't help but smile. He was really cute. I mean, he's cute with his glasses on but without them.. He's GORGEOUS! "Wow.."

"Do I look different?"

I nodded. "Yeah." He smiled, obviously know that I like what I'm seeing. He moved closer to me. We were so close to kissing, when I heard a car door closing outside..

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