Chapter 8

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"GO! GO!" I yelled at Jacob. "GO out the window in the back!" I turned the TV off and ran towards the window.

He ran towards the window, opened it and climbed out. Before he ran out he stopped and smiled at me.

"Boy, go before you get caught!" I laughed before closing the window. Just then my mom came in the door. "Whew.." I said under my breath. "Hey, ma!"

"Hey, sweetie. How's your day?"

"Boring.. All I did was stare at the tv and eat food. How was your's?"

"Ehh.. Same as every other day."

"Interesting." I sat on the couch and stared at the blank TV screen. I couldn't help but think about what was gonna happen between Jacob and I a few minutes ago. "So what are we having for dinner today?"

"Uhm.. I'm thinking of garlic shrimp and chicken pasta. What do you think?"

"That sounds good."

"Alright." She took some cooking utensils out and started cooking.

I walked upstairs to my room only to lay down and think about Jacob. I can't believe we kissed yesterday and we almost kissed again today. In my head, I kept replaying the image of Jacob without his glasses. I can't help myself right now. I keep smiling and thinking about him.

I was so busy thinking about him, I ended up falling asleep and dreaming about.

"TAYLOR!" I heard a female voice saying. It was low in volume but I could tell that person was yelling. "TAYLOR!" I heard it again shortly afterwards, but it was louder. Then I heard a knocking sound. "OPEN THIS DOOR NOW, TAYLOR!" I woke up after hearing that and opened my room door.

"Huh? What happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. I was still half sleep. I widened my eyes and saw my mom standing at the door, holding Jacob's backpack and his jacket.

"What is this?" She held up Jacob's belongs.

"Uhm.. It's mine. I left it there yesterday after school.." I lied, hoping she would believe me.

She handed me Jacob's jacket and looked at the top of his backpack. "Jacob Latimore," she read aloud. She looked at me. I looked down, pursed my lips and scratched the back of my neck. I always do that when I get caught lying.

"Ma I-"

"Let's go." She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car.

"Ma, where are we going?"

"I'm going to talk to Jacob's parents."

"WHAT?! Are you serious? You don't have his address!"

"It's written on his bag."

Really, Jacob? How much of a nerd do you have to be? I sighed and decided to just enjoy the ride. Seeing as it is probably the last ride I'll ever take before my life is over.


We rang the doorbell and a few seconds later, Jacob's mom was at the door. "Hey, Taylor." I waved and forced a smile. "You must be Taylor's mom. I'm Tish."

"Hello. My name is Kim. Is your son home?"

I looked up and saw Jacob in the house. "Yes. Hold on. Jacob! Someone's here to see you."

Jacob walked over to the door and waved. "Hey, Taylor."

I smiled a little on the outside but on the inside I was jumping up and down.

"Uhm.. Does this jacket and this backpack belong to you?"

"Uhh yes ma'am. Where'd you find it?"

"At my house next to the door. And the back window was open."

There was silence.

"Well don't sit there and say nothin! Jake, why was your stuff at her house?"

"Yeah he was at our house. It's all m-"

"It's all my fault," Jacob interrupted me. "I told her that I was coming and she told me that she was on punishment but I didn't care. I just wanted to be with her."

"That's it. You're grounded. Get in the house and I'll deal with you later," Miss Tish ordered. "I'm sorry about that. I'll make sure it won't happen again." She grabbed his jacket and his backpack and walked into the house. I heard yelling as soon as she closed the door.

The ride back home was the longest ride EVER! It only take twenty minutes from his house to mine. It felt like we were in the car for like an hour. "Why would you invite a guy over anyway?"

"He's my study partner. We have to study!"

"I don't care! I don't want you hanging with him anymore! If I find out you two are around each other, you will hate me more than you do now."

"I don't think that's possible.." I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you?!"

"I didn't say anything," I replied in a calm tone.

"That's what I thought.

That night, I cried myself to sleep. He probably doesn't even want to talk to me anymore. UUUGGGHHH! I wish this was just a nightmare. Jacob has been my friend for the past two months and is probably the only true friend I've actually had in my life. Now I can't talk to him anymore..

This chapter is dedicated to @SofisticatedBaddie_ because she's been very supportive of this story! Make sure y'all follow her and read her stories!

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