Intense Emotions!

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Sorry for the really long long delay...exams....traveling....laziness..assessments..stress...ya get it dont ya life of a student..*big depressive sigh*



That's all that reached their ears as the machine showed Naruto's heartbeat. The hospital was never liked as it was always a depressive place especially for our  blond knuckle head ninja. Even the red head also known as the red hot habanero....or....basically Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze. She never liked the place much and mostly avoided it but it broke her heart to see the reason she was here was because of her own son.

Minato was in no better condition. Grieving over the fact it was him. Him who made his own son a jinchiruki. Him who left his son alone. Him who could not keep his wife alive or himself at least for Naruto.. It was his fault.....'I guess i deserve the father of the year award huh' Minato thought to himself with a dry laugh.

For both parents it hurt...hurt more than anything. Seeing their only child suffer like that..  But what was even weirder were the looks they received when they were bringing Naruto..Looks of hate,despise. 

Why?! was their question???


Kakashi slowly began to stir,eyes cracked a little open. Sunlight attacked head on. After a moment to get used to the light he slowly opened his eye to view a bluish grey ceiling. He looked down to see he was covered in white sheets then all of a sudden the events from yesterday hit him like a brick to the head.(Ouch!)

Groaning and unwillingly he got up only to realize that he was in a hospital.  To the left he noticed his team mates who were still out of it.

(A/N: I am talking about mini Kakashi from the past....sorry if its not that clear)

He throws a pillow at Obito and pokes Rin both suddenly jerk up while Obito falls face first off the bed.Ignoring the insults thrown at him by Obito, Kakashi goes to the window and looks outside to see if he can identify anything that could explain anything. The three youngsters still confused on one main question which was:

'What and Why'


Tsunade was in the operation theater. Sakura along with Shizune were inside helping her. Kakashi(senior),Minato and Kushina were waiting outside. Apparently the Toad sage had just arrived just a little heads up the Toad sage is:

  Jiraiya is a tall man with waist-length, spiky white hair usually tied back into a pony tail, with two shoulder-length bangs that framed both sides of his face. He also had red lines that ran down from his eyes and wore a horned forehead protector with the kanji for "oil" (油, abura), which denotes his affiliation with Mount Myōboku. He also had a noticeable wart on the left side of his nose. Jiraiya wore a green short shirt kimono and matching pants; under which he wore mesh armour that showed out of the sleeves and legs of his outfit. His outfit was completed with hand guards, a simple black belt, traditional Japanese (wooden sandals), a red with two simple yellow circles on each side, and a scroll on his back. He also had a tattoo in his left palm which resembles one that Gama has in his as well.  

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