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We're sitting on the sofa and the armchairs and chatting when we hear someone knock at the door.

«Already here?» Daron jumps up, fixing up his shirt and hair. «What time is it?»

«4 pm, not very early and not very late.»

«I'll go to welcome them...»

I hear the noise of the door opening, the guitarist's voice and two more new voices; I notice that his father has the same timbre of voice as the son. They're chattering in a language I can't understand while they hang the coats and come towards the living room; probably they're speaking Armenian, I'm aware of the Armenian descent of the guys.

I smooth my hair and skirt and change position, sitting in a "formal" way, with my hands lying on my lap. Let's hope well...

Two people appear in my sight, I think they might be middle aged; the man is quite short and has got greyish hair and little beard, the woman is as tall as him and has got quite long and blondish hair and a cute smile that reminds me of his son's smile. They're dressed up nicely but not in a very formal way and I mentally thank them so I won't feel uncomfortable for this.

«Hello!» they greet together smiling and we answer in unison, then Daron gestures and tells me to reach him and he introduces me.

«Mum, dad, she's Nikki» he simply says, looking at them and then at me. «Nikki, they're my parents.»

«Nice to meet you!» I speak to them for the first time shyly, shaking their hands.

«Son, you didn't tell me you had found a girlfriend!» his father exclaims, being surprised and happy at the same time, while we all sit down again.

Daron and I look at each other for a moment, weirded, before he starts explaining the situation.

«Dad, she's not my girlfriend, just a friend... what the hell made you think of that?»

«I know your mates well enough to say she couldn't be the girlfriend of one of them, you two would be a cute couple. Anyway, even if she isn't your partner, she's very cute.»

I blush and thank him with a nod.

«Dear, how did you get to know our crazy son and his friends?» the mother asks gently.

«It happened casually» I start, quietly «Serj helped me in a moment of need and so I got to know him and his weird friends and then your son. They're the best friends I could ask for, to be honest.»

«Oh, got it» she answers, smiling.

«And there's more» Serj adds, with a trace of pride in his voice «since our problem solver tech can't be with us when we start our new tour in January, she'll replace him. She's not only a cute and good girl, she also has noticeable skills.»

My eyes become watery because of how the singer praised me in front of people I don't know well and who don't know me well.

«That's cool» mr. Malakian affably says. «Tell us, does our son behave well when he's around you? Or does he annoy you?»

«Your son is a dear guy, but sometimes he really is a brat and seems that he really wants me to beat him up» I joke, half elbowing the guitarist who's sitting besides me, and he does the same to me, sneering.

«Oh well, it's typical of him, but you seem to be a smart girl, so we keep calm because we know you'll make him behave properly!»

We all burst out laughing. I hope the poor Daron is not embarrassed by what his parents are saying...

An hour flies by while we talk; as it usually happens when you talk with someone's parents, I discover something about young Daron's mischiefs and mishaps that make me laugh so hard I start to cry while I picture in my mind what they're saying, he already was a little, bizarre and funny guy as a child.

«Unfortunately we must go» after a few seconds of silence mr. Malakian looks at his watch «we've got more visits planned for today and we can't be late.»

«We promised, so we can't dump» mrs. Malakian adds, smoothing her dark skirt.

«Come, I'll take your coats» Daron gets up and they follow him; I hear them speak Armenian again, this language has got a strange yet musical sound and the fact that they're using it as an intimate way of communicating is very sweet and makes me smile. In a certain moment Daron's voice becomes half-way between irritated and weirded but his father's voice remains smooth and confidential, so his son's tone softens too; it makes me think of those parents who know that a certain thing will happen in spite of the doubts and complaints of their sons, those ones you can find in books or films... not my father for sure.

I'm still mulling over some things while the two come back to say goodbye to the guys and I wait standing up.

«It's been a pleasure to know you, girl» mr. Malakian says, taking one of my hands in his. «Take care of my reckless son.»

«I'll do what I can» I smile.

«It's been a pleasure for me too meeting a cute and well-educated girl like you» mrs. Malakian approaches and lightly caresses me on a cheek. Oh my God, did they tell me somehow that they like me and I could be a possible girlfriend for their son?

Afterwards I sit down again, still stunned by what happened.

Late in the afternoon, after going back to my room to change the skirt I've got tired of with my shredded skinny jeans, I suddenly hear a turmoil going on in the hall, made of screams and loud exclamations; someone has come to visit and probably will help making this evening more lively, and I'm still not over Daron's parents visit...

«Hey, what's the cause of all this noise?» I ask, once I'm back on the first floor.

«Just a delirious moment» Serj turns to face me «sorry if we scared you but we're always very crazy and noisy when we meet friends again!»

«Hi there!»

Two new faces appear in my sight and for a moment I stand still and observe them. No, I don't think I know these guys, they must be friends.

«H-hi...» I greet back awkwardly.

«What's up?» one of them comes towards me and lends a hand «I'm Sako and I'm the drum tech of this bunch of nuts, nice to meet you.»

«Oh... nice to meet you Sako, I'm Nikki» I say, shaking his hand.

«Sako, she's going to replace the problem solver tech» John adds.

«Wow!» the other exclaims, tilting his head a bit. «So we are co-workers!»

«Well, I think so...»

«Hello tech!» the other guy approaches; he's tall and has got blond hair and blue eyes and a big smile. «I'm David, but you can call me Beno, and I'm the manager of Velvet Hammer Music.»

«Nice to meet you, Beno» I say, during the hand-shake «meeting such an important person is an honour.»

«Honour? C'mon, girl, I'm not the Queen of the United Kingdom» he laughs.

«These two crazy guys are keeping us company tonight» Shavo says happily.

«I foresee the incoming delirium...»

«You're right.»


«Well, they brought a shitload of junk food and vodka...»

«...oh my God...»

[Author's note: hiiiii! :3 Hope you liked this, the next part is work in progress and I still have to study for an exam so please be patient :c hope you liked this, as usual feel free to comment and tell me your opinions! And thanks for following me <3]

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