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The morning comes after what resembles ages, with sun rays coming in and dancing near my face. I wake up to the surprise of finding out that Daron and I didn't move at all overnight, being still laid on his back while I'm still clinging to him with my head resting against his chest. 

He's deeply asleep as shown by his completely relaxed face, his messy hair lies all around his head on the pillow and from his disclosed lips comes the softest snoring. Such sight makes my heart grow a few sizes; I draw the shape of his jaw with my fingers, my fingertips get mildly scraped by his beard... I want to wake up by his side and enjoy such beauty for the rest of my life.

A low sound coming out of Daron's mouth interrupts my stream of thoughts and it takes me an effort not to jolt in order not to scare him awake. I move a bit and he moves too, his eyes still closed, and as I readjust on my pillow he comes to rest with his head on my bosom and keeps on sleeping blissfully after the inversion of positions. Being taken aback I blush, but soon the warmth of his body makes me sleepy again and Morpheus willingly takes me back in his arms.

The rest comes to an end after some more time I cannot quantify, as the room's phone is ringing loudly; it's most likely early, far from midday. Daron looks quite discontent with the way he's been awakened but instead of snorting he clears his throat so he can answer the phone.

«Daron Malakian here.»

«Hi there, midget!» Serj's thundering voice can be heard from outside the telephone. «We're leaving soon, so pick your gracious booty up from whatever it's lying on and get ready!»

«Yes, sir» Daron yawns, ending the phone call, then grumbles. «Lil thing, we're due to go soon» he smooths my hair out «so we gotta get up now.»

Unwillingly I throw the blankets aside, then I run to the bathroom, quickly get refreshed and wear some more comfy and basic lingerie than the one I've worn yesterday and then leave so the guy can get in while I pick up our clothes partially scattered on the floor. Once I've put all the plastic cups in a trash bag, the problem about how to get rid of the balloons comes up: to untie the knots would require an eternity, to pop them would be very noisy... I go for the second option, swearing I'll be as fast as I can, after putting aside a small, black balloon I intend to keep.

As soon as the first balloon explodes I hear the guitarist gasp in the bathroom. «What the fuck was that?!» in a second he comes out, only a towel covering his lower parts, otherwise dry. «Oh, got it now... it was cruel of you not to warn me, I got so fuckin' scared!» he lets out another gasp, with his hands on his chest.

«Forgive me, hun, I didn't mean it!» I put up a cute "Puss in boots" impression and he quickly changes his upset attitude into a cheeky grin.

«Let me help you with that, lil thing.»

«You know we're going to make everyone poop in their pants and we'll probably end up kicked out?»

«No way that'll happen.»

We make it in an exceptionally short time: we manage to get rid of that big problem, get ready, stuff the last things in our baggage and get out of our room.

«We made it in time, daddy!» as soon as we meet the other guys in the hall Daron goes strutting about and reaches Serj who's still glaring at him.

«It was just your duty, gnome» he replies, then gets a hold of his youngest band mate and rubs a fist on his head while he struggles. «You small pest!»

«Oh no, you made my hair all ruffled again» the guy grumbles, trying to fix his hair that's now looking more messy than ever.

«That's pretty much how you look all the time» Shavo sneers.

How I feel when I'm around you (System Of A Down)(EN)Where stories live. Discover now