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What I saw in front of me was a tall guy. He was slim and lean and had blue eyes or maybe green I could not make out because of the dim lights. His hair was messy but it suited him well.

He was really hot to be frank.

He wore a pair of skinny jeans and a casual T-shirt. He was so attractive that I didn't realize that I was staring at him shamelessly.

He took a step forward making me take one back, causing him to smirk.

Oh that smirk even that was just so perfect!

"Who are you and what do you want ?" I asked in a confident tone. I presumed my voice to be louder in my head but it merely came out as a whisper. It could also be because of the blaring music.

He raised his eyebrows and moved another step closer to me and replied "I'm Ace. Ace Warner..... And you are asking me what I want? Of course you know what I want. I guess its pretty obvious what I want" he said eyeing my boobies with a smirk.

What a dick!

This guy is such a pervert.

How can he ask some random girl to do things with him in bed?

Then the most shocking thing happened.

I slapped him.

He definitely didn't expect that nor did I.

Since I had already slapped him, I didn't want to look surprised about it so I spoke out in a stern voice.
"You jerk. How dare you ask this. What on earth makes you think that I would do such a thing, that too with a jerk like you? Never,heard that? N.E.V.E.R." I shouted stressing on the word 'never' to make him sure I'm not that kind of a girl who hooks up with any random guy.

"You are making a big mistake baby by rejecting my offer. No one has ever rejected me. I'm afraid that you are going to pay for this. Not only have you rejected me but also slapped me. I'll make sure you regret for what you have done" he told in a harsh tone anger evident on his face.

He came really close to me and I could smell the alcohol in his breath. Before he could do anything to me I pushed away from me making him fall on a near by couch. He tried to get up but because he was so drunk he failed miserably to get up on his own. I took advantage of the situation and went near the couch where he was bent down at him and whispered in his ears.
"First try getting up on your own then you can think of spoiling my life." and then I watched him give up and pass out on the couch.

Gosh why do people even drink so much and embarrass themselves when they are drunk.

I then left the club in a haste Rose following behind me trying to keep up with me.

I know it was rude of me to allow someone to pass out and do nothing to help them.

But he deserved every bit of what happened and I didn't regret doing what I did inside.

I just hope I don't get to see that piece of shit ever again in my life.

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