Chapter 2

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A/N Sorry this was late, but here is chapter 2! Feedback is greatly appreciated!! :)

                                                                                                           , Martina

Chapter 2:

“Louis! I’ve already heard enough of about him!" My flat mate Niall groans and I scoff.

“Well sorry!” I exclaim. “But from how I described you think he's gay?” I quietly ask him and he stand ups from our couch.

“You know what! We need to find out more about this boy before you do something stupid. We’re going to your work!” He exclaims and walks to the door slipping on his shoes. I scurry to the door once I realize he is serious and follow him down the hallway.

“Niall!” I complain as he continues to walk to his destination, which I assume is where my car is since we can’t walk to the school I teach at. “How will this help anything!” I say once we are outside and Niall turns around, giving me a blank stare.

“We need to try and find information Lou! Will you get this boy if you just stay at home and do nothing about it?” Niall asks me rhetorically. I guess he is right in a way; I will never reach my goal if I don’t try.

I sigh, “But I don’t have my keys-“

Niall smirks and holds up my car keys, making a clinking sound. “Do you really think I wouldn’t have grabbed them?” He tosses them to me and I catch them, unlocking my car than going inside of it. Niall sits next to me, grinning. I roll my eyes at the possible thoughts in his head right now and start the engine, driving down the road. Niall obviously is going to expecting some kind of thank you, or remind me every other second that he is the reason we found out something about the curly haired boy and possibly his sexuality. Or who knows, we may not even get a chance to find out anything.

“What’s the name of the high school you work at?” Niall glances at me.

“Riverview,” I respond without a second thought. (A/N I’m guessing there actually isn’t a high school with that name in Doncaster but just go along with it)

“Near the river?” Niall innocently asks and I chuckle.

“Well no shit,” I laugh and pull into the almost empty school parking lot.

“I was just confirming!” He raises his hands up in defense mode and I smile. Sometimes I think Niall should just never lie, he isn’t very good at it so what’s the point.

I take out my keys and grin. “Of course you were Nialler,” He just mumbles something under his breath as we both exit my car and I laugh. We walk up to the front door of Riverview High and go inside, finding the school to be empty. There’s no surprise there, its Sunday. I walk past the secretary and say a quick hello, she lifts her head from her paperwork to say something back but I get pulled away by Niall.

“We’re not here to chat! Let’s find this boys files!” Niall exclaims and drags me down the hallway by my wrist.

I smirk, “You know her, don’t you?” I ask him and he freezes and turns to me.

“Well… we dated for a bit in high school,” Niall tells me and I smile at him.

“Awe!” I coo while ruffling his hair, which gives me a glare from him.

“Mr. Tomlinson!” I hear our school’s secretary call out to me. I smile cheekily at Niall and re-trace my steps, Niall silently following behind me.

“Yes?” I ask her once I am in front of her.

“We had a boy come in today in search of a job here; we assigned him to help around in one of the classrooms. He claimed to have experience in working as a teacher before but I can’t seem to believe it. He requested helping out the English teacher, but I really am not sure if he is capable. Are you okay with him helping out in Drama?” Stacy asks me, looking down at a notepad every once in a while.

I grin, “That would be brilliant! It always nice to have someone to help me with things,” She nods at me with the same smile plastered on her face.

 “Excellent! He will start this Monday!” Stacy exclaims while writing something else down and I look at Niall who looks as shocked as me.

 “He’s already starting tomorrow?” I ask shocked. She looks back up at me and nods. “Oh ok, I’ll be sure to make him feel welcome here,” I smile and she returns it. I feel Niall yank my arm and he starts walking down the hallway. I rip out my arm from his grip and laugh lightly.

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