Chapter 1

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A/N Hey everybody! Here is the first chapter of Command! I hope you like it!

                                                                                                   , Martina

Chapter 1:

*1 Year Later*

"Okay that's it for today class! I will see you all again next Friday!" I exclaim to my drama class right after the last bell rings. I begin to collect all my papers and folders while my grade 10 drama class literally runs out the door, excited for the weekend. I balance all my notes and papers in my left hand and carry my classroom's keys on my right wrist, the red lanyard swinging back and forth as I approach the door. I turn off the lights and close the door, locking it with the key than shoving it in the pocket of my beige chinos. As I turn around I run into someone and they stumble back and fall onto the tiled floor. Oh shit.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaim and reach out a hand to him, helping the brunette up. "Are you alright?" He brushes the locks of curly brown hair that have fallen onto his face back to the side to reveal his stunning green eyes. I almost gasp when he looks up at me and locks his eyes with mine. He is gorgeous.

His chocolate coloured hair looks so soft and heavenly; I wish I could rake my hands through his hair all day. His eyes are a pale green, not too bright, but enough to catch your attention. I have to slightly look up at him from our height difference, but he isn't too much taller than me.

I dare look down at his legs briefly to see he is wearing black skinny jeans that are quite tight, I could never wear jeans that tight. White converse are laced up on his long feet, contrasting against his jeans nicely.

"Yeah I'm fine," He speaks slowly and quietly, but not quite enough where I need to ask him to repeat himself. He has an enchanting, rough, husky voice that I would love to listen to all day and night. "I just came here to see if my sister, Whitney, had any drama homework. She was sick today," I smile at him and pull out the folder for abstinent students. I open the blue folder and give him the assignment I told my class to do over the weekend.

"There is just this assignment that is due for Monday. If she is too sick to complete it than its fine, as long as it eventually gets done." I say with a bright smile and he smiles back, his polar white teeth forming an irresistible grin with dimples proudly popping on his cheeks.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Tomlinson!" He turns around and walks down the empty hallway. The sounds of his sneakers stepping on the tiles bounce off the walls in the silence. I unintentionally start smiling like a mad man and my mind starts to race. I can definitely see the resemblance between him and his sister Whitney. Except the boy I just saw is unable to escape from my mind, and I don't mind that one bit.

An idea pops in my head and I turn around, unlocking my classroom and running towards my desk. I pick up a thick notebook and stack it on top of all my papers. I really need a briefcase or something, everyday it's like this.

I walk- wait no, that would be an understatement. I run out my classroom, lock the door for the second time, and then race down the hallway that leads to the staff parking lot. I burst through the door and scan my blue eyes across the parking lot, searching for my new navy blue car. I spot it near the front of the high school and I dash to it. Opening the passenger's side, I place my papers on the seat and close the door. I run around the front of the car and get in the driver's seat, slamming the door behind me.

I grab the heavy notebook on the top of the stack and reef through it until I find the page I was looking for. On the top of the page it reads 'Whitney Anne Styles' and I laugh to myself for some strange reason. I begin to read the paper to try and find what I was looking for. Allergies,! Here we go, now what is her brother's name?

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