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A/N: I'm terrible. I know. I know. Boarding school is ssooooooo time consuming. I'm sorry I haven't been able to write for this long. I give you all permission to despise me. BUUUUUUUUUUUT I will try to make it up to you, I don't know how, but it will happen. Somehow.

Hope you like the chapter! Word of the day is : fanatic

(Teen Wolf in 8 days!!!!!!!!!)

PICTURE OF LACY ON THE SIDE------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>


I looked down at my pure white paws. Luke's black wolf came up from behind me and rested his head on mine. I licked his chest playfully and sprinted away from him with a wolfy grin on my face.

'They're beautifully aren't they?' a voice echoed in my head.

'You're my wolf huh?' I thought back.

'Yes. My name is Nyx.'

'What do you mean by  "they"? Are you talking about Luke?' I asked.

'Yes. Luke and Adrian, his wolf.'

I continued sprinting toward the school, glancing back at my amazing mate. Suddenly I stopped and skidded to a halt. We simultaneously shifted back and stood before each other naked. "I love you."

He smiled and replied, "I love you too." He sniffed and his eyes began to darken until they were pitch black. My fangs began to extend and my body shook with want. I felt like I was set on fire and I began to scream.

"Luke! Help! It burns. My insides. Help me, please. Please, Luke." I fell to my knees.

He kneeled down beside me and swept me into his arms rocking me back and forth. My breaths were coming in short and slow. "It's going to be okay baby."

"Help me, Luke. Please!"

"I-I don't know what to do. I don't know what's wrong."

I gasped as a wave of pain rained down on me.

'You're in heat.'

"My wolf says I'm in heat."

Luke laid me down on my back and nodded. "Shit, of course. I forgot about a she-wolf's heat."

"Make it stop!" I felt like I was dying. "I can't take it anymore. Please, Luke."

Luke nodded again. "The only way to control your heat is to...."

"To what?"

"To mate until it's over."

A second wave of pain hit me, knocking my breath away. "Ahhhhh!"

"Okay okay."

Luke hovered on top of me for a few minutes before making my pain go away.


It was night time when we were finished and after those eight hours of heat and mating, I was worn out. We found our clothes, tossing them back on and began walking back to the school.

Luke broke the comfortable silence. "I guess I'll get registered in the morning, right before classes start."

"Yeah." My mind wandered to Aiden and I wondered what had happened to him. Did he ever really care about me or was it all fake? Is he still in the woods?

"What's wrong?"

I looked up at him as we walked back to school, his arm around my waist. "Nothing, I was just thinking about Aiden. He should have been back by now right?"

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