Issac Lahey(teen wolf)

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this is about the love between issac (from teen wolf) and courtney. There love has to be serect because courtney's big brother derek will not aprove. 

Courtney's pov

derek is an apha now, i can't believe he killed uncle peter. I know he tried to kill us and everything but he still didnt have to kill him. before peter died he turned this teenage boy scott into a werewolf and now that derek is apha he will want to make his own pack, he wants scott apart of it but scott hates him. i don't think it's right turning innocent teenagers  into werewolf,  if we could turn adults we would, we only turn teenagers is because they are younger and there bodies will have a better chance at accepting the bite.

I get up and put on black jeans, a white top, black boots and a black lether jacket. I curl my hair and put make up on. I pick up my books and get in my car and drive to school. I'm really good friends with scott and stiles, there good kids but they just get involved with stuff they shouldn't. Our first class was in the gym hall, we're doing rock climbing. First pair were allison and scott. Then eric and stylis, on ericas way up she starts panatcing. She is epileptic. She climbs down, we all make sure she's ok and then we all go and get changed. Erica goes back when no-one is there and tries to climb it but she starts shaking and falls but scott catches her and she gets tooken to hospital. 

Derek's pov

i went to the hospital to see if erica will want to be a part of my pack. I walked into the room she was in, she had her eyes closed and was lying on her bed. i pushed her bed out of the room and into another. i was walked over to her.

"you get a warning just before you have a have a fit, don't you?"

"i get this toxic taste in my mouth"

"don't lie to me erica, what does it taste like?"


"what if i told you it could all go away?" i put my hands on her legs


"like this"

i pulled her closer to me and  bit her, i needed to do it, i need to make a pack and fast. i took her home so she can rest, well both of them. i bit this boy called issac. it's fine he wanted it.

Courtney's pov

school was finished, i drives to the under ground train station. That's were we live after derek killed our uncle. When i go there i saw that derek had 2 teenagers. Erica and this cute boy. i can't believe he is making a pack, i understand he needs to because we're betas and we can only survive in pack but he should of still tried an adult.

"derek, what have you done?"

"i'm an apha now, courtney. You need to accept that"

" what if i don't want to?"

"then your stupid"

 i ran to my room, i'm so angry don't know why i'm so angry, i knew this was going to happen and it has to we're betas. we live in packs. i thought the best way to feel better is to sleep, i washed off my make up and fell asleep

I woke up to my alram going off, i got up went into a shower and got dressed. i got my stuff and went to school, when i was putting my stuff in my locket. erica and that boy we're walking down the hall.  i gave scott a text to tell him what is happening.

me- derek tunred erica and that boy into werewolfs x

 scott-his name is issac and i know i can smell him. i'm going to talk to him about it, i'll text you later bye x

i put my phone in my bag and walked to class, there was only 2 seats left one next to issac or danny. i was walking over to the seat next to danny, when stiles sat in it. he is such a jerk. i put my stuff down and sat next to issac. We had to work in parters for the building if a bird house. issacs blue are so perfect. i'm not good at building or cutting stuff, i don't even know why i'm in this class.

" your doing it wrong" he said, he stood behind me and took my hand. He put his hand over mine and helped me cut the wood. i could feel his breath on my neck.

"that's how you do it" he whispered in my ear and slowly moved his hand up my arm and to my waist and then sat in his seat. i felt goose bumps and my heart was beating faster than normal, i know he could hear it, so i just shook it off. The class was finished and i went to my locket to get books for the next class, when i turned round issac was standing infront of me. he kept walking closer to me, till my back was up agenst my locker and he put his arms on each side of my shoulders and put his head only a few centameters away from mine.

"your names courtney right?"

"you should know me, i'm derek's sister"

"oh yeah, your really pretty"

"thanks, now get out my way"

" make me"

"i've been a werewolf much longer than you, i'm much stronger than you. so are we really going to do this"

"ok" he stepped to the side and put his hand up

 i started walking away from him. he went up behind me and smacked my bum, i gave him ,i'm going to kill you look. the rest of my class went quick and before i knew it, school was finished. i got in my car and drived to the under ground train. when i got there, issac and eric were there. Could this day get any worse.

i hope you liked it, i put alot of effort into this. comment or vote pleasee :)

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