Imagine (14)

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Cute/Romantic Jack Johnson imagine


'Here is your seat for two' the female says showing us to our seat- red table cloth and gold candles ,plates and knives and forks neatly placed on the table- for jacks and i's first date he really went all out ; its really nice of him too he really is trying hard to get me to be is and I like that.

"thank you "Jack say politely smiling he than pulls out the chair looking at me "take a seat" he grins I blush and hold up my dress as I sit he pushes the seat in and then goes to the opposite side of the table 'Wow jack this is amazing" I say as he sits down in awe as I look around "Im glad you like it I tried to make it as special as possible .. for you" he says

"don't you think its a little to much" I ask it is for your first date its too much I don't deserve it '
'sadly I disagree with you (Y/N) , I think one that you should make a good impression on the first date and a girl like you deserves something like this"he says as he opens up the menu I follow and take in what he said .

we stay silence for a little bit behind our menus looking for something to eat, 'I think I'm gonna get the Parmesan chicken , what are you getting (Y/N)?' Jack asks me as I hear him fold his menu and place it on the table I scan the menu again i quickly decide on something.

'Alfredo pasta, I guess'i say as I put away the menu and look at him.
Jack gestures to the waitress that we are ready to order she quickly rushes over introducing him self and starting off with drinks both me and Jack start off with water and order.
As we wait me and Jack begin talking ' so (Y/N) I don't know much about you yet ,tell me about your self?'he asks

I twist my lips as I think of things to say 'ahh, I travel as a hobby it's amazing experience, I enjoy lazy days'

'Traveling is amazing , going on your I get to do that a lot and I love it. Where have you been so far?'

'Guatemala ,Japan,Canada , Belize , and the Philippines ' I say listing all the amazing places I've been and hopefully more to come.

'Woah, that amazing , by the way lazy days are the best days 'he nods 'right!!' I say excited that someone agrees .

He laughs 'how about you?' I ask him 'well I've been in. The studio all week so making music is my hobby being with friends and spending time with my fans' he says his life is amazing exciting and adventurist . 'So cool your life seems so fun, and full of adventures'i say

Our food finally comes and we diff I'm continuing to talk about our hobbies and events that have happened to us in different countries I tell him funny stories about me and involving my dog .

'Woww that's so comical ' Jack says through laughs our laughter dies down 'I find it amazing that you are everything I wanted , smart,pretty,funny,adventurist ,fun, person .. (y/N) you are amazing ' he says looking me deep into my eyes.
I grin he's so sweet he is everything I want but I don't know do I really want to get caught up in all his drama with him being famous and gums being on tour and other stuff .

'Jack, you are great everything I wanted, but you are well know and you have hater and you have fans what if I randomly come into your life and pipeline hate me day ride things tear us down and apart; it wound do us no good. What if I can't keep up with ou? With you on tour and being away it will affect me ..' I say sadly and slowly looking at him ' yes I understand ' he starts as he reaches for my hand that are on the table '(Y/N) I will grow everyday to love you more and more mad I wouldn't let tho use this tear us apart of my fans don't appreciate you I guess they will have to deal with it if they are real fans they will understand that I love yo and tags I am happy with you' he says squeezing my hand

' everyone is a player how do I know your not? How do I know you are not going to break my heart it I give it to you ' I looking at him 'baby girl I am not a player I'm gonna love you & care for you , and treat you much better than anyone else could . Let me show it to you please?' He begs I take a while to think before saying ' fine '

Hope you liked ! :)
I hope this was okay and it was what you wanted!!!
(You can always come back for another Imagine)
Request are open but please have some patience with me : ))


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