Now Introducing the 4 Chapter 2

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I was immediately embraced by my good friend Isabelle, one of the more happier people of the group. She was wearing a gray sweater reading "Doing Real Stuff Sucks" which I instantly chuckled at, and some short-shorts with some white loafers which I assume were her lounging clothes. She looked very pretty in anything, just as she did when I last saw her before we graduated High School.

"You took fucking hours Flynn" screamed another member of this energetic little group. Nyrea tried not to look excited as she ran and tackled me with a hug. She was wearing a bright starry blue ribbon on top of her light brown hair, accompanied by a cloudy t-shirt and fluffy green house slippers with white sweat pants. An outfit very much complimenting her personality and beautiful smile.

And last but not least I heard a faint voice sounding extremely annoyed. The origin of which was the youngest of us all, Camille. "Who the fuck is important enough for me to get up and go to the door and fucking see this bitch- Oh my god ITS FLYNN!!!!" Her attitude pulled a 360 as she hugged me. She was wearing a "Starbucks Coffee" shirt and black pants. Her blood red hair rested upon her flower jacket complimenting each other quite nicely. The whole ensemble was very true to who Camille was as a person, wonderful on the inside and out.

"Guys guys, we have neighbors we cannot be making this much noise" I said with a deep sigh, worrying as usual. I looked in a mirror and took note to what I was wearing. I had my favorite deep blue suit with deep blue button up shirt, and black dress pants and black dress shoes accompanied by a deep red tie.

"What the hell are you all dressed up for?" screeched Nyrea accompanied by a loud pound on the floor from the apartment beneath us.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND KEEP QUIET!" I was immediately startled and began apologizing, one of my many defense mechanisms. "I'm sorry, we are new here and don't really know what-" "YOU SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT". In that instant I made a ghastly face at the origin of the counter scream, Isabelle.

"You can't do that! We are gonna get kicked out!!!" I said. "Nah he is all talk AREN'T YA, YA BITCH!?" screamed Nyrea. I'm assuming they have had multiple encounters with this individual living below, so to avoid an argument, I sighed and moved further into the gigantic apartment.

This thing was enormous. 5 rooms each personalized according to it's occupant, excluding my room and the guest room. The kitchen was completely decorated with different plants and herbs growing by the window living off the small glimpses of light coming from the city. The living room had a balcony along with a mini library of sorts, filled with book owned by Nyrea and Camille and a little shelf at the bottom dedicated to my books. Isabelle who didn't read often, had only one book entitled "How to get your Man". There was a couch and a couple lounging chairs, one of which had Camille's mac book set up.

"Ah...this was why you 'couldn't get the door'" I said with big air quotes. "Hey sometimes you see some hot bitches on tumblr and other things don't matter" Camille said laughing. "You guys never change" I said with sarcastic tone.

"UM EXCUSE ME?!" Nyrea said as she pointed to, what I was assuming was, my room full of boxes. "ALMOST ALL YOUR SHIT IS VIDEO GAMES and SHIT" screamed Isabelle. "Yeah I guess you guys are right" I said chuckling and rubbing the back of my head.

The rooms were all decked out as well, with various posters with every one of the girls interests, One Direction, City of Bones, Lord of the Rings, ect.

"Wait, so why do we have five bedrooms if there are only four of of you isn't pregnant right?"

"HA, we don't have boyfriends, that bedroom is for, ya know, if you ever want to get away from everything with a "significant other" and to, ya know-" Camille was cut off "IT'S FOR SEX" screeched Isabelle. "Wow okay moving on" I said.

"So Flynn did you have a hard time getting here?" asked Nyrea. "Well kinda, but I met this really nice guy at a place called 'Cafe Lambda' and he helped me find you guys" I said trying to remember anything else.

"Sounds like he wants your D" said Nyrea laughing along with the Isabelle and Camille. "Well speaking of which, if we go there, you guys should know he is gay" I said laughing seeing the reactions. "Well shit, were never gonna get boyfriends" said Isabelle.

"Well hey I thought we were going out to dinner tonight..." suggested Camille. "Oh...uh sure sounds like a plan" I said with a faint sigh, being kind of exhausted from the trip here. " guys are gonna change right?" I whispered hoping no one would hear.

All of them turned to me with a 'are you fucking kidding me look' and said "OF COURSE, IDIOT"

Time for a night in the Big Apple.

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