Chapter 4

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You woke up and got up from the floor. You saw Kylo sleeping and just for a moment you thought he was cute sleeping but that ended when you saw Kylo waking up.

"Good morning pain" you said trying to see if he would laugh but he didn't

"Good morning" Kylo replied yawning

"What are we doing today" you asked hoping it wasn't anything bad

"Well you are going to meet the Supreme Leader" Kylo said.

"Wait why am I going to meet the Supreme Leader. You broke our deal so I am not apart of the First Order" you said surprising yourself for saying that.

"Well he wants to meet you" Kylo said with his teeth clenched.

"You.Broke.Our.Deal.So.No" You said that's when Kylo left the room but forgot to close the door. You thought 'hes such a dummy'. You walked out and ran into a man.. and almost screamed but the guy put his hand over your mouth.

"Please don't scream. I am just are trying to escape" He said then put his hand off your mouth.

"I am too" You said.

"My name is Poe. And you are" He asked.

"My name is y/n" you said.

"Cool now lets go get a ship before we get caught. Then we can ask each other more questions" Poe said. You nodded.

When Poe and you finally found a ship. You heard crashing it sounded like someone was mad. You grabbed Poe's hand and took him to hide somewhere.

"Why are we hiding" Poe asked.

"Kylo is mad...." You finally said.

"So?" Poe said.

"I feel something that I feel bad for him but then I get so angry but see I wanted to escape but now he is looking depressed... Look at his face I feel bad" You explained and looking at Kylo. Kylo had a sad face... you really felt bad.

"So you want to stay that jerk" Poe yelled all mad not knowing that Kylo was still there. Kylo looked over our direction looking confused and walking over.

"Yes I do and you better go he's coming" You said. Poe ran to the ship and gave me a weak smile before taking off. You saw Kylo standing right by you.

"I could've left but I didn't because I want to help" You finally said.

"I know and I have no idea why you didn't leave" Kylo said.

"Your face" You said.

"What" Kylo asked confused.

"You had a sad face when thinking that I was leaving.... I know you care" You said.

"I don't care for anyone. Caring is for the weak" Kylo said.

"Lets just go" You said

"Fine" Kylo replied.

Kylo left you in the room which he locked when leaving and you laid on the floor and after a while you fell asleep.


Hope you guys liked this chapter :)

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