Guardian archangel

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Today was supposed to be the happiest day of your life. I mean it's your wedding day and everything is perfect except for maybe the man you were marrying. He was far from anything but perfect, you tried to call the wedding off months ago when you realised you no longer loved him. You tried so hard to make sure that the relationship didn't end horribly and you both would part on good terms but he had other ideas. He wasn't about to let you just walk out of this relationship so he got in your head and here you are today going to be trapped in this marriage forever no escaping your soon to be husband's fingers.

"Does anyone present know of any reason why this couple should not be married. Speak now or forever hold your peace" when nothing but silence came from the guests it confirmed your suspicions forever trapped. Then the doors slammed open "yeah, I know a reason. I'm not about to let my best friend get trapped in a marriage with this maggot. When your fiancée calls off the wedding you get over it and move on. You don't force her to go through with it just because you know you will be forever alone, no woman would want to go near you even with touch you with a barge pole (I hope everyone understands this part) you are just jealous because (y/n) could have any man she wanted. Any man that doesn't treat her with respect and treat her like a queen doesn't deserve her" you let go of the flowers in your hand and they fell to the floor "hey Gabe, fancy giving a damsel in distress a lift home?", "sure, let's go your highness before that ugly dragon gets back" you took his hand and with that you were both gone.
You arrived back at your house and sighed heavily in relief "you know that you probably just freaked everyone out, right?" You said as you took your high heels off, the pain in your feet instantly disappearing "yeah but that just makes it more fun" you rolled your eyes and playfully punched his arm "stop being mean" you tried to sound as strict as possible but it failed especially when he gave you the puppy dog eyes. You just burst out laughing after finally composing yourself you stood up "right time to pack. I'm staying at yours for the foreseeable", "I'm sorry I don't remember giving you permission", "I don't need premission I am your best friend when do I ever need premission?" He just sat there mocking you so you stuck your tongue out at him and then took off to pack.
Dragging your bags downstairs you left them at the bottom of the stairs "excuse me, what do I pay you for? Just to sit down?" He stood up and walked over to your bags and looked at them "I'm sorry what did your last slave die of?", "nothing because he is stood right in front of me now let's get going" he just rolled his eyes and clicked his fingers. You both arrived back at his and you took your bags to the spare room you used when you usually stayed.

Walking back into the room you noticed Gabriel eating some chocolates from a box so you walked over and took a big handful and ate them quickly before he could grab them back. He glared at you "my chocolates get your own" you just pouted and batted your eyes at him "please" he sighed in defeat and gave you some more. You smiled at him gratefully taking the chocolates "I forgot to say earlier. Thank you for stopping the wedding. If you hadn't arrived when you did, I would have been trapped with him forever", "it's no big deal you are my friend and I really hated that he was forcing you to marry him. Anyway he was really ugly, I thought you had better taste in men", "well I'm sorry no one I chose looks like you", "I suppose I could forgive you. But seriously you are welcome I'm glad I got there on time. I would have lost my partner in crime forever then what would I have done?" You shrugged your shoulders "I hear Balthazar is hiring", "funny girl. Now hush I'm watching something really important" you cast your gaze over to the TV screen and instantly noticed the video. It was from your childhood "how did you get these?!", "your mother is a really nice lady" you growled "I will kill her later right now I have to kill you" and with that you tackled him which triggered a tickle war which he won of course. Putting your hands up in defeat you gave up and starts watching the videos with him they were terrible and so embarrassing "I'm never going to let you live this down" you shot him a glare then laughed "fine, I can live with that" then you both went silent again until he spoke "I'm always going to be there for you. You are my best friend, whenever you need me I'm there" you looked at him smiling "I know. I have my own guardian angel" he held a finger up "amazing guardian archangel who provides candy" you started laughing again and took some candy "big head" you mumbled under your breath but you are sure he heard it from the he poked your side and you both once again watched the videos.

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