Day Off

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Okay so i randomly  got this idea from nowhere. Also a little note i am British so that's  why i call it a Sofa. Why are you telling us this? I don't honestly know  i thought i would give you guys a pointless little fact thing so yay.   Anyway enjoy it guys :) hopefully it wont be too bad.

I  had decided to take the day off from hunting and all of the drama's going on. I mean after all a girl needs to breath and have a proper chance to relax without having to worry about if the guy down the road is going to get eaten or if the the woman next door has pissed off a witch. So after I sent a quick text to Dean telling him and Sam not send  out search parties for me if my phone was off. I didn't bother waiting for his reply, I switched the phone off and put it far away from me as possible.

I was enjoying watching rubbish TV and eating alot of  junk food and not having to worry about anything. At least that's what I thought, I heard a pair of wings and groaned "No Cas, it's my day off tell the idiots to deal with it themselves" you grumbled then returned to the TV. In reply all you got was a laugh "sorry sweetheart, wrong  angel. Anyway at least you have the more funny and attractive one in his place" you rolled your eyes and without moving from your spot on the sofa, you threw your pillow behind you effortlessly hoping it would hit your target.

But then groaned again when you saw him throw himself down next you "you missed" giving you that stupid grin of his. You glared in annoyance "Gabriel, what are you doing here?", "thought I would visit my best friend. Problem with that?" he poked your side "yes I do, it's my day off which means no problems for me today and you are a problem so see ya" you waved slightly then looked over to the TV. While you were watching it, the screen suddenly went black "do not mess with my TV or I will end you right here, right now" you looked at the smirking Angel "promises, promises" he clapped his hands together and turned to face you properly from his sitting position next to you (Does that even make sense?)  "if I promise to leave you alone for the rest of the day I want  something in return" your eyes widened at the mention of being able to spend your day off in peace and you sat up instantly nodding "I agree with whatever you want", "are you that eager for me to leave you alone?  You will just agree to anything. You know if I was anyone else that would be a very bad idea. Okay so what I want from you is.." he trailed  off and leaned closer smirking "a kiss".

You just sat there  confused slightly then it clicked "wait, what? A kiss?" he nodded. You  just looked down staring at nothing in particular in thought "are you okay?" he asked genuinely concerned "yeah...just thinking", "about what?", "nothing. It doesn't matter" you were thinking how much this one little innocent kiss would seriously effect you. You had feelings for him but couldn't bring yourself to tell him because you had so many heartbreaks in the past, you weren't sure you could handle another. This kiss meant  only as a little joke would defiantly tear you apart inside. You looked up and placed a quick kiss to his cheek, while faking a smile "I hold up my end of deals" he frowned slightly "you missed" with that he leaned  in and kissed you. It was a long passionate kiss which you were more then happy to return. Unfortunately you had to pull away for air but you were still smiling like an idiot "wow....that was..." you trailed off not able to find words. He just laughed at you poking your side "for once the great (y/n) is speechless, now that is something I need to tell everyone about" he then stood up "well a deal is a deal. I will leave you alone" he turned around and started walking towards the door "no!  wait!" he turned around "but I agreed to leave you alone" you walked  over smiling "stay please", "fine, I suppose I don't have anything better to do" you slapped his arm and sat back down with him in tow. He wrapped his arm around you and you snuggled into him "you know I planned all this", "I know but I don't care" you were just enjoying his presence and how you felt so much more safer with him there even though there was no danger "just so you know I like you too" he mumbled slightly before kissing the top of your head.

Who is in  charge of this blog?! I demand to see your boss! Wait, i'm in charge.  Damnit. I won't lie this actually made me kind of cry maybe its also  because i'm still abit ill but no Gabe i love you! See i said it  straight away. Ha ha....i need help. 😂

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