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POV: Avi

"Well I'm going to take you up to my bed so you can sleep." I told a sleepy Mitch carrying him up the stairs.

I placed him down on my bed and was planning on going back down stairs and sleeping on the couch. Of course Mitch wouldn't let me do that.

Before I could lay him down on the bed he grabbed onto my shirt and pulled me down with him. I was now laying on top of him and I tried to get up but he wouldn't let me.

"Mitchie, let me up. I'm probably squishing you." I told him

"I want to sleep next to you and thats all I want to do right now." He said sleepily and I couldn't resist. I can't ever resist him.

I got away from his grip so I could lay down beside him.


I woke up by Mitch poking my face and sides.

"Wake up!" He said

"I don't wanna." I told him turning over away from him

"Please, daddy for me?" He practically begged and my eyes shot open

"Okay for you Mitchie." I sat up and he was sat right beside me and I realized he didn't have a shirt on. "Why don't you have a shirt on."

"You don't remember?" He questioned "we had a lot of fun last night."


"I'm joking!" He laughed "I couldn't ever do anything like that with you because, well you know, and anyway I got too hot last night so I took my shirt off."

"Oh okay" I said still dazed from just waking up

He got up out of the bed and I mean not having a shirt on was one thing but also no pants just underwear. I just couldn't at that point.

"Why are you blushing?" He asked

"No reason."

"Gosh Kaplan you need to get your shit together." He said putting on a shirt and walked out of the bedroom.

I couldn't process what just happened but I just followed him out of the bedroom, past Kevin's room, he saw still sleeping, to the kitchen.

"Want breakfast?" Mitch asked going through the food and picking out pancakes and fruit.

"Yeah sure." I said

I couldn't help but stare at him as he moved back and forth fixing the pancakes. He stood at the stove waiting on the pancake to be ready to flip and he swayed his hips and hummed an unfamiliar tune.

I quietly and very quickly went to get my phone. It was almost dead but I could do what I wanted to.

I went back into the kitchen and recorded Mitch being his beautiful self. I mean Scott wasn't the only one with a camera roll full of him.

He turned around before I could put my phone away.

"Are you recording me?" He asked spatula in hand

"No" I said looking anywhere but him

"You're a liar!" He said threatening to hit me with the spatula

"You food is gonna burn." I pointed to the food on the stove

"Shit!" He turned back to the food

As he did that I raised my phone up going to take pictures. I ended up taking ten before my phone went dead.

"You're obsessive." He said fixing plates

"Yeah? With what?" I asked

"I don't know you tell me." He said coming really close before handing the plate to me.

"Well I am crazy obsessed with you." I said and took advantage of how close we were and grabbed his waist pulling him even closer.

"Oh my daddy your strong." He said

"Is that so?"

I let go of his waist and took the plates from his hands to set them on the table I was sitting beside. Then I grabbed Mitch's waist once again slowly making my way down to his ass and pulling him up to my lap. He then wrapped his arms around my neck.

Mitch was speechless and so was I. He was blushing which was so adorable. My hands traveled to his face to his legs. I moved my hands to his waist and then under his shirt.

We sat there just smiling at each other for a while. I felt the need to kiss him right then and there.

I stared at his lips then his eyes and back to his lips. I think he caught on, biting his lips and started leaning in.

"Good morning guys!" Kevin said entering the kitchen and interrupting what was about to happen. "I smell something goo-" he was caught off guard by the sight of us.

"Woah!" He almost yelled covering his eyes and going back to the living room. "Get a room you guys!"

Mitch got off my lap and went back to my room. I told kevin he could get breakfast and Mitch came back with pants on. We sat together eating our pancakes.

"Did I interrupt something?" Kevin asked

A/N: Thanks for reading/voting/commenting ❤ sorry I haven't updated in a while

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