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A/N: wow this has come really far 10k reads! I need to update more don't I?

"Going upstairs? Because you have to actually move your legs to go up. You can't just stand and stare, you're not going to teleport." Scott said

"Shut up." I said angrily

"Sorry didn't mean to disturb the little kitten. Go make some Mavi happen." He whispered to me

I still stood contemplating my decisions. "Maviiii!!" Scott yelled halfway upstairs shaking one hand in the air enthusiastically while the other still had nutella in it.

"Not going to happen!" I yelled back

"Oh we both know that's a lie." He said from the top of the stairs staring right at me. I didn't have a response "haha knew it! Alex honey you owe me fifty bucks." He said going down the hallway.

I sighed there was only really the one option because, yes I want to go up there, but not with drunk Avi.

I went anyway I had to at least check up on him. He's probably passed out.

I made my way upstairs and into my bedroom. Avi was sprawled across the whole bed.

"Avi, wake up." I attempted to wake him up so he could move.

"Go away." He said grumpily

"Fine then I'll just leave."

"Wait! Mitchie?"

"Yeah it's me, move over." I said

He did letting me in the bed. I got under the blankets and cuddled up next to him. He wrapped his arm around me.

It was nice despite the fact he still smelled like alcohol and sweat.

"You know mitchie, I really like you." Avi said

"I know that's why we're friends." I said

"I don't mean like that." He said

There was a long pause. "Like what then?"

He didn't answer. He had fallen asleep. It amazed how fast he could fall asleep. Usually Scott had to have a bedtime story until he fell asleep. Which was usually me reminding him of a fun time we had or telling him about a funny dream.


"Go to sleep you big noodle." I said

"I don't wanna. I need a bedtime story." Scott begged

"Fine, what do you want me to talk about?" I asked

"Anything, I just love listening to you." He said

"Okay, I don't think you know about this, me and Kirstin never really told you about it." I began

"What's that?" He asked half asleep

"Well in highschool after I broke up with Kirstin and told her I was gay me and her tried to make you gay." I told him "you know because, I had a little crush on you."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, I mean me and Kirstin tried our best to get you to like like me." I said


"We called it 'operation make Scott gay'." I said

"Worked out really well." He said

"Yeah, but not exactly as planned. We're supposed to get married."

"Maybe one day." He said falling asleep.

I snuggled closer to him a drifted off to sleep as well.


Avi started snoring. I hated snoring so much but some how it was cute when he did it. I then started falling asleep.

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